Thursday, 22 May 2008

Beau Femelles

LIKE WHO?! you ask.

Well, like:

Oh baby. Damn you're fine. :D It's amazing this girl. She has all these terrific characteristics. And she's always smiling and upbeat. I feel like I've known her forever, and will forever. Couldn't stop loving you. If I could cry, you'd make me. YEAH. That made sense.

I really wanted to write a thing about Amber. Yes, you're a total bitch. :) I KID I KID. It's our thing. You're mean to me. And I love it. By the way, you're super adorable. So short and big-eyed... :) It's great. We have such stupid conversations on MSN. And I wouldn't trade them for any other conversations with... I dunno, someone boring. It's touching, really. I feel the connection.

Oh Saaaaara, Sara, Sara, Sara. I feel like words can't express. And yet I should try anyway, but I know I won't get very far. :D Let's see. You just, majorly brighten up my day. To its maximum. I couldn't love you more. And I like hugging you the most. Out of aaanyone. :D

Rawr! This is one fine-ass sex machine. Haha, well, she doesn't work in St. Kilda or anything. I love how warped Zoe is. Like, in a good way. She'll laugh at the super funny slah really stupid yet funny things. But she can also be full srs. Snap!

Shezz is so very much my connection. To what? No one knows. But I get the sense that we have many adventures to come, although right now I never get to see her. She is destined for great things, and I would be remiss if I didn't have her in my life anymore.

Dude. Your mum is awesome.
But moving on. I feel like I haven't seen you in so long. I'm missing you to greater lengths every day. Your family is like a second family to me. You're that sister I miss cos she lives elsewhere. :D Like, across the main road. But still. I love you so much honey.

WE NEED MORE STUFF ON OUR LIST. If it weren't for a little bit of Katherine in our lives, I'm certain we'd all be like. Mediocre. It's that Katherine-esque influence that keeps us all optimistic and daring. It's such a major lift when I greet you and you give me a massive hug.

Like Zoe, Nicole is pretty freakin' warped. I like Nicole's general quirkiness. :) It's so amusing. And Nicole is definitely one of those people that you see and just feel the need to put your torso in contact with hers. Does it look lonely? I don't know, but you just feel the urge to hug her.

Bridget and Erin:
My goddesses. Erin's my little English crumpet. She's so cute and amusing. Bridget is so awesome. I don't know who is awesomer. Bridget and Erin can both make you smile, but in entirely different ways. It's amazing. I miss you both more and more each day.

It's like we were separated at birth. I feel as if I know so much about Alex in a way I cannot explain (but not because my hands are tied). I love you Alex, so so much, and I feel an overwhelming comfortness in everything that's rushing through my head when I come into contact with you. She's like my anti-depressant.

I love how Cassie and I rely on each other that we've formed so much of a bond. That time she called me at 5am (her 3am), I didn't care. I'd be pissed, but it was her. I seriously didn't care that she woke me up. Instead I thought, "I love that Cassie and I are so close to each other that she knew I wouldn't be bothered if she called me at 5am." I feel so compelled to marry you.

Kari, Jordan and Lorin:
My favourite Sunbury scum. You guys are my trio of randomness and perfection. We have to meet up much more often. The Angels to my Charlie. :D What a bad joke. Still, these guys are so brilliant that it takes your breath away every time you greet them.

I haven't known you very long, but I feel like we have some random connection. Melissa is so beautiful and sweet. When you meet her, you feel an impact. I just can't describe it. But it's a good one. :D

ahh. love.

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