Monday, 23 January 2006

My new MySpace!

And all that other crap.

I got this myspace today, and uploaded all the other blogs from my MSN space to here. I won't be using MSN spaces anymore! Yaaaay, I'm free! :) Also, that is why the times of the blog posted aren't real :P

I got a new email addy today with Gmail - it's actually my second with Gmail, but it'll be my first Gmail I use as a primary email. It'll be my new MSN address too :D


Friday, 6 January 2006


It's been a whielish, although I have nothing to say really anyway MWHAHWHHWHWA
But I'm in a pretty happy mood, I'm in the feeling for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong long long long long long spacey. HEEEEEEEEEEERE IT IS.
Duuude, like wicked orsum, yesterday was such a lazy day, I took out the couch and folded it out, using it as a chair and I slid it under the table. CD rack/SNES mousepad for the mousepad (how ironic) and a stereo speaker as a table. All this while having a ripping jolly good time on the webcam with Cindy (Maddz :D). I couldn't feel Captain Poop (a sort of irrelevant nickname for my ass :P) for a good solid few hours. Today I'm kinda doing the same, cept I'm sitting up, and Captain Poop still is as numb as ever.
By the way, I decided to name Maddy Cindy from now on, thanks to a goodie song called 'Cindy' by many Hall NYC. Dayum, I lurve that song. The song talks about how some guy loves Cindy. I love Maddz, so she is now Cindy. :D (P.S. We're not going out mwahhahaha)
Also there's this uber cool song called 'Baby Love Child' from Pizzicato Five which I also got today. Overly excited, I be.
Speaking of overly excited, I'm meeting Cindy on Wednesday! Ripper good, fellows! I can't wait! We're going to Fountain Gate and gonna see a movie :P fun fun!
About 2 weeks back I signed up to get a keycard for savings for money and such. How awesome, I love it. Hooray :) Oh, my PIN number? Why, of course. You went to all that trouble of asking me. It is ****.
Shman, me and Sarah walked to the shops today. Got a mediumish size of the greatest ice cream ever. Bestest ice cream for everest.
Whack-A-Newbie! Oh ohh ohhh!
Collant... ohhh this ice cream is so sexy. I love it.
I've decided to take up the horoscopes business. Here's some horoscopes I discovered while looking at the sky tonight:
Capricorn: You will have an uncontrollable urge to take a piss in public.
Aquarius: Your partner will dump you for a hot biker dude, even if you're partner is a man.
Pisces: The fish in your sign picture will be hooked, gutted, cleaned, and served as a sign dish for a meal at a fancy restaurant.
Aries: Don't hit yourself with a mallet; it could hurt.
Taurus: Yo mama so fat she couldn't write a horoscope.
Gemini: In the movie theater you will drop some popcorn and yell out 'DAMMIT!' Then people will yell at you.
Cancer: You will develop cancer in the bosom if you're a woman, and in the testicles if you're a man.
Leo: You will realize the new shampoo you bought is making your hair look worse.
Virgo: If you enter the lottery, you might win.
Libra: Your loved ones will tell you that your butt looks big in that.
Saggitarius: You will fail your next task, school or otherwise; then bitch and moan about it till everyone older than you is dead.
By the way, I'm a Libra. I don't think my butt looks big in that. :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTY JULIA =) The big 5 decades.... fah la la!
Shman, I really wanted to go to JB HiFi so I could buy some Futurama DVDs. I spent 6 dollars on the ice cream and only have 20 left. I hope I could spend some of the money on my card. Oh, by the way, my pin again is ****. Have fun with that.
Wod Count: 603.

Sunday, 1 January 2006

!!! H@pp33 2()()6 3v3ry0n3 !!!

It's 12:14AM, Christmas Day.
Scrap that, it's actually New Years Day.
The fireworks have been going for 15 minutes with random songs playing in the background.
Ooh, it's over.
Since about 9:30 me, Juzz and Jeremy (Jair, woo!) had out 3rd annual NYE party, on MSN. XD. Call me a nerd, you teenybopper.
I love that. I finally found the word to describe those card-carrying mobile accessories short-panties flower painted crotch pheasants that I ate with a fiery passion.
Teenyboppers suck.
Here's my firsties of the year:
First text: From Erin XD
First person I heard talk: Jair
First thing I said: Banana Hammock
First MSN emoticon: The thumbs up one, (Y)
First MSN message: lol on the TV it already went
First new TV show I watched (by that I mean it began after midnight): So Fresh
First MSN screen name: !!! H@pp33 2()()6 3v3ry0n3 !!! (ironically, in my name)
First website I typed in:
First program opened: Mozilla Firefox
First awful joke of 2006: Something about masturbating
First dememnted face made out of symbols: 0_o
First facial expression: Smile
First channel watched: Channel 9
First song listened to: The Street - Cheap Trick
Meh that's all I can think of at the moment.
Teenyboppers suck lard.