Monday, 1 January 2007

!!! H@pp33 2()()7 3v3ry0n3 !!!

Just like in the spirit of last year's blog of the upcoming 2006, I'm doing another survey thing
Which nobody made up
Cept me
and Juzz and Jeremy
just ranomd questions and crap.
and it's like 12:05 in the morning :]

Jake, Cassie and I have been having a conversation for about an hour, and I was talking with David too. HAPPY NEW YEAR YOU GUYS, and all you others I spose :)

Here's my firsties of the year:
First text: Shezz! Shortly followed by Louise, Katherine and Elise.
First person I heard talk: Dad XD

First person talk to me on MSN: Trevor
First thing I said: OMG! THE HUSTLE! *does the hustle*
First MSN emoticon: TThat sexy hot one. (H) to Julie
First MSN message: happy new year!
First new TV show I watched (by that I mean it began after midnight): RAGE!
First MSN screen name: jhnny wishes you a happy new year!
First website I typed in:
First program opened: Mozilla Firefox
First awful joke of 2006: Something about masturbating.. HAHA AGAIN
First dememnted face made out of symbols: XD
First facial expression: Smile
First channel watched: Channel 9
First song listened to: Wonderful Night - Fatboy Slim
Meh that's all I can think of at the moment.

New Years Resolutions:
1) Be more assertive
2) Be more positive
3) Be randomerrrr
4) Make more movie maker stuff
5) Go on public transport more
6) Get a job
7) Become not so skinny/more muscle! :)
8) Hang out with friends more ^^