Thursday, March 8.
If I remember correctly, Thursday was the day of State Library. It was weird. They have this room where there's a giant screen and a camera so you can WATCH YOURSELF SITTING DOWN :S and so can everybody else! The place is freakin huge, and we met up with Mr Woodbridge's group there, so Emily and I were trying to run away from like 10 people and I think Mr Woodbridge caught us. Oops.
ALSO, Botanical Gardens. Which also meant the shrine of rememberance. SO. BORING. We had about an hour long tour with this old man who insisted on taking his sweet time.. arrrgghh. His nametag said Trevor, yet his ID badge said his name was John. I was so confused.
But anyway. Towards the end, we gathered around this stone thing in the floor that said "SOMETHING" I forget what it said. But the light that shone across it came from a torch or something in the roof, so we were standing in silence for a while as it happened. That guy was really misleading, so Tegan and I were looking at the stone, then the roof, then the stone, then the roof, because due to whatever he said we both didn't know where it was coming from. So Tegan noticed that and laughed through the whole thing.
Once we got out of there, the 11 or so of us with Mr Graham went down the hill to a tram stop, and Mady and Tegan took my camera and took like a BIZILLION pictures on it in like the 30 metres or so we walked.. they were behind sooo much. I dont get how they thought they would ever get any of those pictures back :D Which they won't.
ANYWAY wherever we went afterwards or before that I wasn't really sure what time that was. Oh yes. Chinatown! We had a bunch of questions to answer about the place, didn't take long at all actually. We had to find out about Miss Saigon, so Alex and I went into Tiketek which was like away from where others were.. and wehn we got back out THEY WERE GONE. So we were lost. But we found them. Hoozah.
Anyway I think we went shopping after that, and we were looking around the city for a music shop Jake wanted to find, and after AGES of shopping in other places we passed and stuff, turns out it was back where we started I think. Cranbourne Music. Fun place that was :D
Later that afternoon, we had a choice of going to Melbourne Central or Queen Vic Market. Ree, Kate and I went to Melb Central for an hour, and even though we weren't supposed to, we caught the train to Parliament for one reason: FREAKIN HUGE ESCALATORS. We ran up to one end of the platform, but the elevator up was on the OTHER END, so we ran back there, and caught the escalators down sitting down. Like 5 minutes long, it's terrific.
And we went back to Central and entered Myer. SIX BEE. the very very top of Myer in Melbourne, where nobody was there, there was just an empty foyer and an ajar door to where they were setting up the fashion show. SO INTO THE GIRLS TOILETS WE WENT! Kate carved our names in the wall LAWL and I looked in the bin for some reason and found a whole bouquet of flowers. Freshh. But disgustingly wet. So we took one out, Kate put it in my bag, and we planned on giving it to Mrs Cooper but Kate dropped the leaves one by one on the escalator for some reason.
VERY late arvo, we had research tasks to do in our groups, split in half. There was me, Alex, Jake, James, Mady and Tegan in one group, and Courtney, Josh, Andrew, Kate and Ree were in the other group.
The task was to interview a stranger.. or lots of strangers actually, about a topic. Our group's topic was multiculturalism, so Alex and I asked the question, "what is your cultural background" to a bunch of people. Tegan and Mady asked some other question, and so did Jake and James.
Alex and I got freaked out by random people, and we went into one particular asian cafe, and we asked the woman at the counter if we could ask her a question (that sounds weird.) She got MIIIGHTY confused and got the manager. EXTREMELY ASIAN MAN. He didn't get us either.
oh. chinese.
*world explodes*
WHOOO that night! Pizza! On Lygon Street! They had pasta too thankfully! Yay! Sara and I were on a table with.. *recounts* Wes, Nicole, Zoe, and like 5 others ahaha I forget. OH STEPH was there.. probably Emily. Yes, Emily.. I dont remember who else. but I think there were nine of us. Anyway Sara and I were being ghosts to Ree and Kate, not sure how that started but we were going ooooo. followed by a OOOO!!!
It ended with Ree and I texting each other while staring. At each other. To piss each other off. But eventually Sara and I just went over there and talked to her anyway.
That night at darkness, we walked over to Crown, and Ree and I passed that asian guy from yesterday drawing people was back. So we went out of our way to avoid him.
We went to.. GALACTIC CIRCUS! the biggest arcade around! Free games for two hours! Except we could only do the prizeless and ticketless ones, which didn't leave us with much to do, but we ended up playing racing games most of the time =D and air hockey. I think it dislocated my shoulder :(