WELL. I feel quite cynical today, so I suppose I will vent.
First of all, Eliza., that dicktease stuff? It's redundant. Yehh. :D it sickens me.
And to all you idiots with like a million messages in your msn name: you're an idiot, nobody loves you that much.
Sara. Stop thinking I purposely take other people's sides just to resent you. Maybe my opinion is that you're wrong? Like when *that guy* says he has plans or whatever, and you think he's ignoring you? No, that's redundant also.
AND TO YOU PEOPLE WHO DRINK. AGH. You're slowly taking away your blood cells until you're 45 and you'll be completely braindead and on life support. Who'll be laughing then? That's right. John will. I win.
Oh and the hardcores in Frankston who smoke there after school? What the hell are you even doing in Frankston after school anyway? It's one step away from vacationing to hell after you just exited it at like 3pm. You're not hardcore or original, hell, you're not even worthy of a conversation. You're an idiot.
And I hate MSN more than anything in the world, except MySpace. It's oh so impersnal, you cannot show tone of your voice through typing or anything that would occur during a good old fashioned conversation face-to-face. I cannot name the many times MSN has gotten me into trouble because of someone taking what I've said the wrong way. It's happened to me like 3 times this week.
MySpace itself is a whole other story. You know how like no one sends messages to each other really unless it's a conversation? That's what a bulletin is, but it goes out to everyone. So stop posting your dumbshit bulletins trying to get someone to pay attention to you, because nobody likes or respects you for it. How about you go outside and meet someone new? Nothing as refreshing as a new relationship.
OHOH. Morons who like to rebel. Take a step back, literally, and look at the portrait of your life. Why do you like to do the opposite of what an authority figure says? What makes you so damn special you must disagree with anything? Nobody thinks you're witty/clever/smart in the slightest. All you are is a tool.
Like you Valerie. I despise you. I hope you perish. That's all I really have to say.
Sure songs are awesome, and although the music may be cool, lyrics are a whole other story. lyrics are supposed to mean something. Except for Weird Al songs, but I mean come on. Posting stupid lyrics from an irrelevant song in your myspace or msn or somewhere... there's a word for that. Probably. But the point is it's completely pointless to do, and you don't respect the music you listen to if you just casually pass it up like that.
Last thing, unless I write a bit more. Especially with Baysiders, being a Christian school and all, you people who assume they are immediately religious because they go to youth group are HUGELY MISTAKEN. Religion isn't a fad you maroons, it's a life-long commitment. ou can call yourself a Christian, but unless you act upon it, all you are is a label.
Anyway to end this rant, I'd just like to hope that you took something away from it, and maybe, delete your myspace?
I would, but I have precious blogs on here. they are my children. memories!