Saturday 28 May 2005

Dammit Holly!

I have to do a History and Bible assignment to be done on Monday, and I havent't started my History one. This doesn't exactly help either when Word won't work for me, freakin Microsoft I hate it.

OMG after I wrote that I went to an MSN convo and then the window down the bottom with my blog entry was flashing... it's like microsoft knows.

At drama today, Holly kept saying I love Kelli, and apparently she told her that, and I don't :( And now Melissa is bugging me about it so yeah, how gay.

I saw hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy today. Geez, that movie sometimes can make no sense. There's some thing about a towel that can protect you, and at the end the universe ended up being inside a dog. I don't know what the hell was going on.

I just previewed Ben's space, and he's only written 2 blogs, both this morning. The basic thing: Good morning, and the count of how many times he's gone to the toilet today.

Ciao mama.

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