Saturday 1 November 2008

An incredible eight-foot heap!

Sorry. Listening to Len.

It's been a while since I've posted a blog. I kind of planned on doing one in October, but couldn't be bothered. Now it's the FIRST of November. What are the odds?!

If you missed the epic LAN party, you are a shameful human being. Scott, Andrew and I organized a LAN party in my church's hall - an incredible two days of food gorging, prize winning, player-beating and fire starting. Oops! Did I say fire starting?
Anywho, for the whole of the two days, I set up my camera (yes, I got an uber 8.1mp camera for my birthday, which was the 2nd, and the lan was the 3rd-4th) to take a photo of the room every 30 seconds. Dare I say, mission accomplished; except when my camera died and needed charging. Here's a video link of what the time lapse ended up looking like:

It was my sixteenth birthday on October 2nd. :D I had such an incredibly hectic day. Let me see if I can remember everything I did...
Had to be in Southland at 9am for a 2nd interview for Dick Smith (not the Southland one, the new one in Frankston) and I brought Katherine with me, something she was not happy with, having to get up so early. :D Buahaha.
Then, I went for my Learner's test at about 1:30 that day. Totally passed by one question I believe. But for some reason, I needed a doctor's certificate because I'm on medication before I could get my actual licence; something I didn't get t do till the following Tuesday, when I then got my L's, but came back the day after because the girl didn't give me the log book. Goth, don't you just hate VicRoads?
Continuing on my birthday day, I donated blood that afternoon at about four. Dare I say, that was the funnest experience I'd had in a while. I highly reccommend it. I got a blood donor card back a few days ago, where I found out my blood type is A-Pos. Same as Casey! Woohoo!
Then that night I went out for dinner with the family, and then had to be in bed early so I could get up at 5 and go to the LAN party early the next day.

Phew. Speaking of things involving Andrew and Scott, they roped me into joining them on the recent Science astronomy assignment, where we filmed an 8-minute movie over 2 days about the sun (another occasion involving a time lapse that my camera did). Here's another YouTube link to my time lapse:

Quickly, last week I sang at church for the first time. Something Mason got me into doing after hearing me sing at the school's music night. :D it was exhilirating.

Ah. Sorry about the really long blog.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

The only reason we missed it is cos... YOU DIDN'T INVITE US! Next time let us know... I'm sure Ryan and I can put some bums in seats for ya. Oh yeah... happy birthday for like a month ago.