You know how some schools have "rollover"? I hate that. We had one day of VCE today, like an orientation to all of our classes.
My classes for next year are as follows:
- English
- Maths Methods
- HHD (3 and 4, so there was no orientation)
- IT
- Media
- VETamorphus (no orientation)
So 4 subjects in 7 blocks gives me ample free periods :D OH, AND FREE PIZZA AT LUNCH TIME.
Well, English seems hard. A book to read over the holidays (please, just an assignment-free holiday? PLEASE?!) and complicated outcomes. Please, no. And I hope I got Rietveld instead of Creek as my teacher... ugh.
Scott very much ruined IT for me by telling me I'll "have fun" and that "Dr Hopkins talks too slow". Which he does. I won't have fun at all! There's 9 people in that class, and one of which is a girl, 5 of which are year nines (10s for next year). Oh boy.
Maths Methods
Only Tom and myself are Methods people who did General this year, something Walker was not pleased about. He thinks we won't cope in Methods without doing it in year 10. He's probably right, but we told him that we chose to do General, but Curtis-Morris suggested we do Methods because we're both in IT. I bet we'll swap out of it at some point next year.
I've gotta say, I'm really excited about Media. Mrs Rivera, I've never had her, but I will now. The class is fairly big, 17 people next year, compared to like 10 or so that were in it this year. Everyone has different skills in different areas of media too, so group work will be perfeeect.
Tomorrow is free dress day because of presentation night that night (I'm so not going in lieu of drama) and Thursday is a pointless excursion to Queen Vic for HHD and Food Tech people. Then Friday is a 9/10 break-up at AMF and then the year is over! Success!