Monday 15 December 2008

200 Lessons

Yesterday was the much-coveted Helen O' Grady Drama Academy senior youth theatre for the Morno Peninsula... production. It was your typical HelenO play, except this one didn't have group lines (because we changed it). Held at Cube 37, and really, really short, it was lame but exhilirating. It was titled 'The Legend of Tim Sandy' and I got a 200 lessons plaque (5 years)!

Thanks to loveable contractors, the opening date of Dick Smith Frankston has been pushed back again. Last I heard, the store was being fitted on the 18th of January. Now I'm hearing that won't let the place actually be open until the end of Jan/start of Feb. Brilliant. Just when I'm starting VCE and going on VCE camp.

But at the moment I'm working Wednesday and Thursday afternoons in DSE Southland, so come visit!


1 comment:

someuncoolname said...

I liked your play, it was funny :P I thought it was hilarious when you wore that muscle man chest thing :P