Friday, 12 November 2010

I Am Roz Doyle

So, three exams down, two to go. It's currently the end of the exam-filled roster week in which I had zero exams. ZERO. My last two are on the same day (what's up with that?) on Monday. So yeah, I'll be at school from about 11:30 to 5:30. That's the duration of an entire day of school. I guess it'll be like my final goodbye or something? As if spending 6 hours there is somehow an homage to my old school days? Oh, listen to me jabber "old school days" as if I've been free for years!

Regardless, the Friday after said Monday, which is incidentally one week away from today's Friday, is the school formal. Sure, whatever, that's enough said about that. But then the week after is schoolies! I'll be heading down to Wilson's Prom to chill at the beach for four days with ten of the greatest guys I know. I'm really, really looking forward to it.

Good stuff aside, it's time for the obligatory "bad stuff" section of the blog: still stressing about next year. yeah, it's tiresome, but I pretty much freaked out the other day cos pre-selection kits and stuff were due and I was divided between doing kits for courses I'm not super excited for and not doing them at all in the hopes that what I really want to do will come along. As I have stated in earlier ramblings, I expect some sort of poignant sign that will expose next year's intentions right to my face. "No, it doesn't work that easily!" I hear you say.

But last night I went to the Melbourne Radio School with my hip-cat daddy-o for some open evening they were having. And I must say, ever since I got obsessed with Frasier, I always wanted to produce radio, until I kinda forgot about it, somehow assuming in the back of my mind that to make it in radio you have to live in Seattle. Last night just brought it all back and I thought to myself, "hey, I could do this for a living!" Apparently the pay is fairly decent and it's a very fun job to have, which I don't doubt. Now then, the question is, do I attempt to do a course there and get into a job producing radio? The major problem is: everyone who wants to work in radio has to move to some freakin' deserted regional city to get any exposure, something I haven't the slightest intention of ever doing.

So, here we are, back at the start. Still nothing.
Oh, also, I DIDN'T create those pre-selection kits. Bah! A pox on organization!

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