Saturday 30 April 2005

Ooh, aah, I lost my sanity! I left it in my boyfriend's mental asylum!

What a joyous few weeks it's been. Been quite adventureous. Lemme begin with this:


WTF IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?! I REALLY DESPISE THAT SONG. And that Tamara chick is a slut. Anyway, I'm scratching my foot now. Think a mozzie got me.

Dad let out the cat this morning and he hasn't seenit since. Arrf.

Since Wednesday's sport lesson, start of the week for me, everybody has been singing the "Rip, slip, brush, ahh!" Thing off that uberly gay advertisement. You know, people singing about some thing you put your finger to brush your teeth (apparently it takes 3 of them to get your mouth clean.) Now then, we were doing kick-offs or something, and all of a sudden Steph just started singing "RIP, SLIP, BRUSH, AHHH!!!" Oman uberly funny. So now everybody is. About 5 minutes after, Abe (though whenever I spell his name I spell it A-B-D-E-D) decided to sing it: Strip, lick, suck, ahh! How uberly gross. Totarrlyy.

Today's the 30th right? Well who cares, cept me. Now then, Telstra's being a bitch about our internet and other things...

A few weeks ago dad was trying to switch his mobile from Telstra to Optus. Telstra got his brithday wrong, and took a week to do something that should've taken not even a day.

From the 18th to the 26th, the net was supposed to be installed at our place. We had to put TPG (internet) and Telstra (phone) together for ADSL, but Telstra took too long. So we called and they said it would be done on the 28th. Well, it wasn't. So yesterday we called back, and they said it will happen on the 2nd. Fat chance.

Because of Telstra being slacky, I'm at dad's place writing this, just like I was for my last 2 bloggies. LAWLEH BLOGGIES.

Last night me and Kirk went to COC youth for the first time. UBERLY COOL. MUST GO AGAIN. Basacially all other 49 year 7's have gone to PenCC for some reason, that place has got to be the worst youth evar. It's the exact same boring crap each week. At COC it's always creative, funny, and just heaps o' funness. PenCC suxx0rz. Next week COC are doing this uberly cool activity, it's like a pizza scavanger hunt, but cooler than a lameass scavanger hunt. We're split up into 3 groups, and we drive around Franga to the leader's house to beg/steal/buy/borrow pizza toppings from leader's houses. When we have them all, we bring le toppings back to the church to make PIZZARRRR!!! Uber cool.

This Easy Mac tastes so plain. Probably because I added too much water then starined it and flavour probably strained too.

Goodbye, fair Helena.

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