Thursday, 30 June 2005
Went Rye-Bye-Rye << ?
Saturday, 25 June 2005
It's a holiday, celebrate!
So cool. Holidays. Yesterday was my last day of Term 2, and I was the only person to bring a red nose for red nose day.. I scared a lot of people. I also brought a camera yesterday, took about 5 photos then the batteries died =( and most of the photos I took were crap anyhoo. Instead of going to Youth last night, Squinty invited me to come to one of those CFA family night things... his sister Kate brought a friend Renee, blaaarg. They showed Toy Story 1 + 2. I only stayed to watch the first one, then me and Squinty went into the other room where the fire trucks are and climbed on them and played with tennis balls for a while, which we lost. Very funnn :) Today... I love Saturdays where you go places frantically across the day. But the day ain't over yet ;) I had my drama performances today for the parents, I did 'Power Struggle' and a snippet from 'Hating Alison Ashley.' I got some photos, which are in my photo collectionness. I've uploaded a number of photos to my MSN dp. Congratulations Supergrover for 6 years at Helen! :) Straight out bye.
Friday, 17 June 2005
Okay, today's Friday, and I have the day off. Whopee. I've been wanting to write this blawg for evar bit I haven't yet. Nyah :) Last Friday - I had VCD that day, in which me and Sara and Clare and Kirk have to make a design postery dealy for a Quiksilver/Roxy Summer Sale. Me and Clare decided to work on the poster on the weekend. Woo Saturday - Me and Clare went to Fountain Gate shopping because I tried to invite her round, but the same time happened to be when mum wanted to go shopping argh. So anyhoo, we bought 2 cans or silly string each, bubbles (each of us) some lunch... and went and watsed money at Tunza Fun and got 3 slinkys from it :D You know that arcade game big bessie where that fat chick gets bigger as you throw balls into her mouth? Listen to what she says next time you play that, unless you think you're too cool to be seen in Tunza Fun. Bleh later we went to my place, played with silly string and bubbles and slinky, then finished the posterness. Sunday - Well it's the 3nd day of my 4 day weekend :) And I watched Scrubs all day. Monday - I watched Scrubs all day. Tuesday - Oman, Sophie invited me to go to the movies with David, Steph and Tom to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith at the new Karingal cinemas (which has a Vmax :D). That movie was awesome, David din't like it though. BURN. Anyhoo, it was fun because for some time me and David and Tom went off away from the girls and talked/bitched about things... like Emily and James who are stuck to each others genitalia, although they cover that up with clothing. :P Wednesday - Normal boring school day, had practise for that play thing which I hate. Argh. It happened on the basketball court from 4th period till the rest of the day... Luckily I had Geog 4th, English 5th, then lunch. Teehee, even though I was at the start, I got to stay and miss out on English. :) Thursday - Today was the day :O The presentation of the poster thing in VCD. Clare wanted to use the bubbles, slinky and silly string for something since we bought it, so we used it in our presentation and wasted the entire period practising/doing nothing. Friday - That's today alrighty. Today's cool because I get to stay home, seeing as here is a soccer rally day tomorrow and almost everybody is going, so I doubt there will be classes as normal today, or the teachers will just not put in enough effort like I never do. Today's great too coz Juzz is home also. :) Tomorrow - Hasn't happened yet. Nyah Pip pip cheerio yall. Oh by the way, through the week I've been watching Scrubs, and I had a fight with this bitch in year 8 Courtney, who thinks she's better than the world and she's really queer.
Sunday, 12 June 2005
After all, I am a lady! (aka SYG)
#1 Found out SYG has their own radio station!! We were driving through the entrance and saw a sign that said "SYGFM 91.1" and it bores me anyway, but Katherine went on it! And I missed it! Agghhh coz the radio station is in the terminally-ill centre of the whole park, not too far from Frankston actually.
#2 Wow, isn't my tent screwed. Opening Ceremony. The tent Matt and I were going to be sleeping in wasn't waterproof, and since the tents were already set up when we got there, ours was not. So we looked around for where we had to sleep, and ended up sleeping in a ROOM. A ROOM. Instead of verybody else n a tent, we got a cozy warm room out the back of the stage/pavillion that is Frankston Campus. Sam, John, and wo other random people I don't know decided to sleep in the room too, GRAR.. xD. Also, the Opening Ceremony was on Friday night... snore. It went pretty fast actually.
#3 Took a huge journey to find Erin. My good ol' pal Erin F. from Ringwood that I've known since I was born went to SYG too, and so did her sister Kyla, who I have known for just as long. I tried texting/calling her for a while and didn't get through. Then she called me and we were trying to locate each other, and I almost walked right past her while on the phone to her out the front of the toilet block, I must've looked so stupid.
#4 Was stalked. As usual, Erin (not the good one, the bad one) from youth was following me and touching me and such... "DO UP YA JACKET DO UP YA JACKET ITS SO COLLLD BLAHBLAHBLAH WHITE NOISE SHRIEKING" the good Erin later decided to name her StalkStalk. All one word.
#5 Met Tash. Erin and I were walking through the Frankston campus and ran into Tash who we too also almost walked right past, and she went HEY JHNNY! And I was like.. WOAH it's Tash. I know her off the internet/sister, and have only ever met her once. Erin immediately decided she likes Tash.
#6 Tash and Erin met StalkStalk. We were standing in Frankston and StalkStalk came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. I naturally turned around and she wasn't there, but nooo was on the other side of me. Then she was giggling/hyperventilating, and at this point Erin and Tash were thinking, "I hate her."
#7 Met Sam. This actually happened on the bus ride up to Warragul as I was sitting next to Tori, got to know her a bit, but Matt and Sam had met while still at the church and I sorta met him on the bus. He's cool xD
#8 Got my special Frank T-shirt! Frankston have special T-Shirts that are plain black with a special Frankston logo on the back and on the front are many variations of Frankston slogans. "Fitter, Faster, Franker." "May the Frank be with you." "Just Frank It." "Be Frank." But the one I got was "Is Frank, is Good."
#9 Met Siobhan. Her name annoys me, not only did I not spell it right the first time I wrote it there (had to fix it) I could never remember her name either. She really likes hugs, and she went to Ormond camp along with Tash and is really good friends with Tash. I <3 style="font-weight: bold;">Met Rachel. I don't remember if I met Rachel the same time I met Siobhan, but eh. Rachel is really small and really great... we immediately clicked and for some reason ran off from out group randomly after knowing each other about 5 minutes. How odd.
#11 Found out about Katherine's love for hugs. Katherine goes to Frankie youth, and I found out how much she loves hugs. Swell.
#12 Learned many new dances. ALL off Tash. I can't dance over the internet, and I really don't have the energy or motivation to describe them.
#13 Danced at The Village with Erin. We went over to The Village disco and stood there watching people dance for a while, and graudally started to boogie slightly.
#14 One hour sleep. Friday night I just couldn't sleep. Got about one hour in total. Didn't fully sleep till like 5 or 6.
#15 Saturday morning: Ultimate Frisbee. Just so you know, I didn't sign up for any sports because I am NOT a sporty person, but I was awake at like... 8? Yeah, 8. So I was forced to go "spectate" until like 12:30... BORDEOM. I phoned with Maddz a bit and I got absolutely no break from StalkStalk the whole time, Sam and Matt were defending me.
#16 My lack of food. I didnt' eat one meal they cooked for us on camp. I smuggled my own food, so when lunch, brekkie or dinner came I hid in my room for a while and ate till it was over. xD
#17 Saturday Afternoon: Where was I supposed to be? I was standing in the entrance of Franky campus with Tash and Siobhan, which is where everybody else was. They were sorting out who's going where to spectate, but I don't know what happened, but Sarah Lay, Tori and I were left behind which is what I wanted, I don't want to go bore myself alone watching somebody play something anyway, lol, so I spent the afternoon with Tashy and Siobhan.
#18 The Box. At the Gate 4 entrance to Lardner Park (where we go through) there's a little ticket box thing there and the door was open, so we loitered in a 2x1 metre box for a few hours. It was great, actually. Tash was sitting down, Siobhan was ontop of her and I was standing and sometimes leaning on the door... and the box of like, sliding down a hill so I fell down into the door a few times. We were greeting people coming through the gate and got some yellow-petalled weeds and gave them to people. Also, Tash had a kissing booth.
#19 <3> I've ditched Frankston so much and went with Tash and Siobhan down to their Ormond camp. People were like "HEY you're not from here!" Hey, NS, kind of obvious you fools. I've been in and out of Ormond so much, people recognize me, and I had an interview on their video xD
#20 Aerobics. Aerobics were at about... well some time in the evening, and Tash, Siobhan, Erin, Fatty (who goes to Ormand, briefly met him a bit, he's great. He's actually quite skinny) and I got front row, but we were shoved back to make room for judges, so we got second row instead. The guys infront of us were from Ringwood, and they were all like "Oh yeah, we're so good we got front row by default." Continued.. in number 21. Anyway, we saw like 10 different aerobics performances, they were sooo good/funny, it's great.
#21 Scaring the tools at Aerobics. Anyway, these guys infront of us... I have a thing on my list of things to do before I die that is "Meet someone random in a random way." Tash told me to steal one of the guys' beanie. I wouldn't, told her to. We went back and forth until she complained to Siobhan, who immediately just took the beanie and gave it to Tash. The guy turned around, who later we found out was called Cameron, and he was like "Can I please have my beanie back now?" And tash kept not giving it back, smelling the beanie... "I have a beanie fetish." Eventually we gave it back. Another blonde guy... I forget his name... his hair looks really fluffy, so thanks to Tash's brilliant indearing, I stroked his head going "You're fluffier than you look." And managed to cross off that thing on my list xD!! Some guy called Logan there got up to talk to someone else for a second, so Tash went and stole his seat. When he came back, he was like "Uhh... what are you doing in my chair?" "Ah, just laying back." "Can I please sit back in my chair?" To which Tash responded by smacking her legs a few times to signal that she wants him to sit on her. Arhahrhahr
#22 I forget Siobhan's name. I keep forgetting it. I have her in my phone, a few times when I forgot, I took out my phone and found out. I started calling her random names instead... Shipoopi, Shanaynay, Shilly, Geneva...
#23 Ran off with Rachel again. I don't know how it happened, but we walked through Dandenong campus where Rachel is and she dragged me away from Tash and Geneva and we ran off a bit.
#24 Netball. As usual, I ditched breakfast on Sunday morning and got sent to Netball. We lost so hard, and they made me play 1 and a half rounds, which I spose wasn't that bad, but I made a fool out of myself so much coz I'm bad at netball xD
#25 Sunday afternoon. Ditched volleyball or whatever was on and went with Tash and Geneva, but they had to leave for Air Hockey at two, but fortuneately Erin was back at that time, so I hung out with her for the afternoon. We went to the box, the movie tent, which was empty, but the whole SYG was almost empty because people were playing/spectating sports.
#26 MENTOS!! Erin got me hooked on Mentos while we were at the movie tent. She had a giant tub thing of heaps of them (which was written in Indonesian. Still tasted the same tho), which I had heaps of, and so me, Erin, Sam Pratt and somebody else, eventually... eh people came and went.. we were eating them and chucking the wrappers in the bonfire at Frankston xD Now I'm addicted to mentos.
#27 Where were we sposed to be? Some time during the evening, Staffy, Tash, Geneva, Steve and I went ant loitered at the box for a while, and completely lost track of the time. Turns out we were supposed to go to a worship service, but we completely forgot about it. Oh well.
#28 What a fulfilling conversation. There was nobody at Ormond, so after we somehow lost Steve, that left Staffy, Geneva, Tash and I to go in the warmness of Ormond and we had a special conversation about love and Tash's erections and such. Ahahha, ignore that. xD
#29 Loiter at Dandenong. Tash, Geneva/Siobhan and I went over to Dandenong to see if we could find James... but he wasn't there :( No, instead we found some random people that know Geneva, and they had a can of whipped cream, kept spraying Geneva, hehe. I hugged one of the guys, and he took it to heart, took me round the corner and humped me... it was so hot. I must find him again.
#30 Intellectual convo round the bonfire. Back at Frankston now, near midnight on Sunday, I was sitting at the bonfire, and also there was Katherine, StalkStalk, Grant, and some others that came in and out. We started talking about the theory of evolution, and about how all this Christianity stuff is true, as in Katherine's words, "I don't think the laws of gravity and planets and people and the galaxy and things like that just came together as a coincidence. There must've been God."
#31 Monday... GOING HOOOOME! I wasn't all that tired when I got up, (compared to the other days) and I got up, sat infront of the heater for a bit, then helped Kate, Katherine, Sam Pratt, Steve and Whatsherface take down a tent... it took SO long, especially fitting it into the bag. All of it hurt, it took so much longer than it should've, it was like giving birth.
#32 The Finals! We had all packed up and left the campsite and went over to a basketball place where the netball and basketball finals were on. Tash, Shipoopi, Erin, StalkStalk, Katherine, Rachel, Zac and I loitered in the lobby. We borrowed a pen from reception and Tash and I drew on everything... all over my face and my body especially. Rachel got some pom-poms from Dandenong, so I stole some and we were dancing around with them, it was so much funnn.
#33 State Youth Games 2006: The Closing Ceremony. Ah, State Youth Games is over. The Closing Ceremony was in the gym where the finals were, and they handed out awards and such. One Community won State Youth Games! Wooo! After we went to some park and lunched or something, then went back, washed the bus at the car wash and I got a lift home with Matt xD
#34 I signed Aisha's journal xD. Aisha has a little journal that she puts out to people for them to leave messages, so I left two messages. One had a bunch of things that SYG could stand for... crazy.
#35 Natasha Profile. Tash picked up an axe and threatened StalkStalk. Tash danced. Tash is very popular everywhere, she knew everybody. Tash lost her voice on some day, Saturday I think, and was croaky the rest of the camp. The end.
#36 Aerobics Part 2. Sunday night, Frankston performed for Aerobics infront of everybody. They did the dance from Napoleon Dynamite, it was SOOO GOOOOD! Ala TGS.
#37 SYG made me sick. SYG had the coldest weather ever, I had a cold that was UBER bad on Saturday and Sunday, and now my throat hurts and such, and I'm really hot... fever perhaps? Ehh I have a bit of a headache too.
I hope you read all that.
Word Count: 2372.
Saturday, 4 June 2005
Youth = Werrd
Hah last night I got drawn on by heaps of people. I have a little muzzle and stuff i"ll put up the photos some time. I'm staying at dad's this weekend. Whoopee. Mum's goin to Philip Island, and it's dad's bday tomozza so that's cooleroo. Blah I have nothing to say. YO. I'LL HAVE 2 SLICES OF PEPPERONI. *roar*