Hello, I'm John Glover. Believe me, it's a pleasure. Welcome to my life - but in text. If I have an unexpressed thought about myself, expect it to be expressed right here as demented ramblings of a mad-man.
Okay from Sunday till yesterday me and my family and Clare went to Rye :) twas coolness. Clare brought her PS2 with Eyetoy and stuff and uber cool. On Monday we went to the beach a bit and saw Madagascar, which sucked :) Storyline went nowhere, and the most serious thing was I WANNA EAT YOU BUT I CAN'T. There were a few funny bits tho. (I like to move it move it... )
On Tuesday we went Bowling... which I won out of me Clare and Sarah. Woopee. :) Then at the same place we went to mini-golf which Sarah won, and me and Clare tied. That place had an easy arcade, so me and Clare got lotsa tickets and bought a basketball hoop with a basketball, a basketball on a string wrapped around ya finger with velcro, clacker thingys which make loud noises and smells like gunpowder.. and also a slinky Ser-weeeet.
Attention bobdiedandikilledhim: That's great. Kissing emo guys?! Say wha. Wednesday we headed home... (and Clare had to come to my house for a bit coz her mum was workin) and at home me and Clare walked to the shops over the road from me, and we bought 2 mugs each (only 50c, why not?) pretzels, pringles, thickshake thingy, and somehow clare talked me into buying a fish. (Only a buck. We gave it to Sarah anyhoo, she named it after her friend Oscar hahahah le daa ha da lee doo.) How wange. Chekkit. Song: A glue stick Some glitta paint Words cut out from a magazine BFF carved in a tree That stands for BAOW FOM FROOSH! A portajon Came alive Put on a play With so-and-so Unfortunatley They didn't get A very good review. Whats her face Ate staple sauce A heaping bowl of staple sauce And that crazy learner's permit girl Gave me a ride To Baggabes. (What? They ain't got no turbografx games?) Haha to check out the other TEE GEE ESS's go to http://www.homestarrunner.com/tgsmenu.html Ain't to teen girl. Quite good, quite good. G'bye, my spanish galleons! P.S. Click on the o and the ! in TGS movies for somethin' speccy.
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