Okay, listen to my song on my space!! It's terrific. To The Woman by Tammany Hall NYC. Try to listen to the lyrics, a lot of it is just gibberish and unadible. So I'll dig up some lyrics and post it (mostly for my benefit, coz I don't honestly know the lyrics either):
i was lonely and i was tired and i was drifting away.
i was half lit and just about losing it .
i was lost and looking till i heard you say,
"thanks for coming" and "glad to meet you" and
"have a good time" and "the drinks are that way."
then my heart grew and i knew just what to do and my words were with me.
they flowed that day.
hey to the woman that saved my life .
she helped me make it through a darker day.
you're the most beautiful girl alive.
i'm no poet but i want to say
all the sadness and all the misery and all the darkness seemed to leave.
and all that's charming and that's funny and all my faith was restored to me.
so hey to hey to the woman that saved my life .
she helped me make it through a darker day.
you're the most beautiful girl alive.
i'm no poet but i want to say.
lonely then you saved me.
i was lonely then you saved me.
so hey to hey to the woman that saved my life .
she helped me make it through a darker day.
you're the most beautiful girl alive.
i'm no poet but i want to say.
tharr, off the tammany hall website itself.
Yesterday, Jake, Josh and I went to go see X-Men 3, which by the way IS ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES I'VE EVER SEEN. IT WAS GREAT. Yeha anyway, we went to Karingal, and after the movie I got chips at Chicken Plus (mm so damn fine) and Jake and Josh got something from Jade Garden or sommet...
Wow, I can't believe how many people I ran into at Karingal. I'm gonna try to list them off.
-That blonde curly-haired bastard in year 10
-His friend (they were both in the movie too)
-Daniel from drama (I have an inkling he was, too in the movie I was)
-Chris N in year 9...
-That curl-haird brunette guy.. I think his name is James?
-That blonde chick in year 11 (I think) saw me when I went to Hungry Jacks.. coz she was working the headset with angry people waiting outside
-Zak, Zach, Zac, however you spell his name, from youth.. I was loitering outside Hungry Jack's and he rocked up on his bike coz he works there, arhahrhar.
I branged my pimp hat to school on Thursday... BIIIIIIG MISTAKE. I hate you all (who go to my school). Everybody in year 8 wanted a piece of the hat, so there was stealing, pleading, begging, BEING A BITCH, (espiecially you, teenies) and so at the end of the day my hat was folded and scrunched, there was yogurt or something white (don't Kirk) on the side.. I PAID FIFTEEN FUCKING DOLLARS FOR THAT and it's not mint anymore. For ONCE can I have something without it being shitted by you fat bastards? Especially you Elise, you kept running away from me when I chased after you attempting to punch you in the face and stealing my hat back. No, you weren't cute, giggling and shit, YOU'RE A BITCH. I hate you all.
Feb 1 - Jhnny - The trickster becomes the trickstered.
Wow, you gotta love Weebl and Bob.
Feb 4 - Jhnny - If I wasn't stuck here frozen, I'd harpoon you in the eye! (8)
Maybe the greatest line off Futurama.
Feb 5 - Jhnny - Do you want the kids to think that Santa's just a shallow empty-handed JERK?! (8)
This was in the same song off Futurama.
Feb 6 - Jhnny - Now cut my beard.
I don't honestly remember... probably some crap. Actually, it was off a caarton, I just don't know what...
Feb 7 - Jhnny - I like your sleeves.
Napoleon Dynamite!!!
Feb 8 - Jhnny - Teh Floating Hobos!
There were hobos with jetpacks on their backs on Futurama :D
Feb 10 - Jhnny - Lol?
Oh, something old from years ago that made Sarah laugh.
Feb 11 - Jhnny - Microsoft Joke©
Mr. Bender's humor by: MICROSOFT JOKE©.
Feb 12 - Jhnny - Right. Let's go get drunk before pilates.
A great quote off Scrubs said by some posh bitches.
Feb 13 - Jhnny - ...then I realized I was in pediatrics and it was just the wallpaper.
Another great Scrubs quote said by JD.
Feb 14 - Jhnny - If you ever get the chance again, PULL THE TRIGGER!
Kitty off That 70s Show after Eric holds out to tell on Laurie for having a fling with her teacher: Now you know I love you and your sister equally, but if you ever get the chance again, PULL THE TRIGGER!
Feb 15 = Jhnny = You gotta think evil man! Where would we be without the A-Bomb?
Another great quote from Hyde off That 70s show (same episode as above) as he's trying to convince Eric to dob Laurie in.
Feb 16 = Jhnny = Whoa, purple banana?
I was playing DK64 :)
Feb 17 = Jhnny = I don't know who it is, but it probly is fhqwhgads! = Happy birthday Elise!
Eye <3 style="font-weight: bold;">Feb 18 = Jhnny = Diamonds. She'll pretty much have to.
HAHHAHAHA this is like, the most classic quote everest. It's off Family guy. *man puts diamong ring of woman's finger. They kiss and the woman starts to get lower on his body. Chyron: Diamonds. She'll pretty much have to.*
Feb 19 = Jhnny = Cheese is my life! (8)
Haha, on Whose Line Colin had to make a song about how cheese is his life.
Off the Simpsons, when Grampa is speeding down an aisle in a store screaming NOOOOOOOOOOO, then sees gnomes infront of him, and tacks on a 'mes' at the end.
Feb 21 = Jhnny = ABSOLUTELYNOTnowmakemeasandwich.
Kelso off Scrubs: Why don't we just make this the same as my sex policy with my wife. ABSOULTELYNOTnowmakemeasandwich.
Feb 23 = Jhnny = Are you here for the feeding?
Oh that's great, it's off Road Trip when Tom Green is about to eat that mouse..
Feb 24 = Jhnny = If you were asian, you'd be home by now.
OMG I laughed for so damn long when Jake randomly blurted this out in Art, even though it means absolutely nothing.
Word Count: 1121.