Sunday, 24 December 2006
and he has a point. Of course, sitting on the computer all day and going to Frankston with FEMALES, mostly, sometimes is so much more homoerotic than playing grabass and spanking your jock buddies and changing together after a "game", and then winding down with a nice, steamy, group shower.
!julie is a zombie. KNIFE vs. FACE round 1 says:
ill squirt there crotches.
jhnny is as dead as the cat i'm sitting on! says:
Thsi Bindi thing is so damn boring. Singing, then cooking, then singing, then cooking.
jhnny is as dead as the cat i'm sitting on! says:
I bet they all masturbate.
jhnny is as dead as the cat i'm sitting on! says:
Dirty wenches.
jhnny is as dead as the cat i'm sitting on! says:
homoerotic. great word.
!julie is a zombie. KNIFE vs. FACE round 1 says:
OH yes John, I had a horrible case of crabs.
!julie is a zombie. KNIFE vs. FACE round 1 says:
But I used some medicines i Bought and it cleared right up, oh jolly well it did.
jhnny is as dead as the cat i'm sitting on! says:
Let's talk about cocaine in an elevator when other people are there. We'll talk so loud they have to eavesdop
jhnny is as dead as the cat i'm sitting on! says:
!julie is a zombie. KNIFE vs. FACE round 1 says:
!julie is a zombie. KNIFE vs. FACE round 1 says:
!julie is a zombie. KNIFE vs. FACE round 1 says:
why with my charm and your ravishing looks jhnny.
!julie is a zombie. KNIFE vs. FACE round 1 says:
by god we'll rule the suburb.
Sunday, 3 December 2006
The Rest of Queensland AND The Formal!
Wow, that was quite some time ago. I really need to pee so I'll try to make this short. Which day was this? AH YES. The day Sarah and I went to the beach. We went into Surfers Paradise first, and got a beachmat thingy made or that annoying stuff.. yeah that's the..D We aslo got a big umbrella. Unfortunately at the beach, it was so fxcking windy we spent like an hour putting the stuff up and trying to get it to stay, I was so post officed.
So Sarah went back to the hotel for like, 10 minutes, and came back with a boogieboard. So we went boogieboarding in the waves. I've never done that before, it's rather delicious. Mmm. :)
Thursday, September 21.
Right, mum couldn't be bothered, so Sarah and I went to Wet'n'Wild world.
(Well actually before that we went to Movie World and just walked around coz there was nothing to do.) I didn't particularly want to, what with my insane fear of drowning and the fact that I suck at swimming. :D But hell. We went into the wave pool and such, and there's this thing called Calypso Beach which is pretty spankable. It's a circular river that goes around this little island.. you go on it on inflatable tubes, it's great. Also, there's this thing called Buccaneer Bay for the kids. There's a big pirate head up the top that is having water poured into it, and when it gets too big, the bell rings, and everybody gets dunked in the water. So of course, Sarah and I stayed back and watched the kids drown.
There's another ride atop a biiig hill, I forget what it's called, but it's basically a water slide.. well actually there's 4 of them. There were some scaaary people in the lines there. Like some old man who looked pregnant with a small, mail-ordered bride from Asia. =D
Anyway, Sarah and I went down that thing heeeaps coz it's mighty fun. The first time I went down it, I'm so damn light, I wasn't going fast enough. The kid behind me (who is supposed to be gapped apart about 30 seconds) actually overtook me. It was embarrassment. And another time, and this was actually quite scary: I went down, then Sarah did. SHE WAS COMING UP BEHIND ME AWFUL FAST. I had to keep pushing myself to go must faster otherwise she would crash into me. Brr.
Friday, September 22.
I'm pretty sure we left on the Friday.. yes, jolly good, yes. We checked out in the morning and went over to the bus stop and waited for AAAGGGESSSS for the airport bus to come around. It finally did, and we got to the airport. The flight left at about 2:30, I believe, and we got back around 5, 5:30. During the flight I was sitting next to some indian guy. I was afraid he had a bomb.
Anyway. We got back and outta the airport blahh blah and we were waiting in the drop-off bay, and by now it was dark. Father finally came around and we went home..
Friday, December 1.
HAHA that's right. Let's skip forward two months to the YEAR TWELVE FORMAL. That was mighty fun. Sarah brought Ben as her date to this place in Cranbourne.. (they went in a limo) and she brought me, mother, father, Julia, Erin and Kyla. Everybody was tlaking and taking photos outside, then after a while we went into the dining area thing where the formal takes place :) the six of us, (minus sarah and ben) sat at a table, shared by these four, horny, drunken people. Every now and then they went outside with their partner and came back in separately (not much a time difference though, it was still obvious) buttoning their shirts and whatnot.
So eventually, Mason, Stef and Caz were up there introducing everyone to the formal etc, as Shad was taking pictures. Then the waitresses came around dropping random plates of food onto people. I got chicken and crap. I ate some of it. Hoozahs?!
Then came awards for teachers. Again, Mase, Stef and Caz were up there, I think they were the 'most likely' awards to teachers, they were hilaritus.
I think next there was dancing? There was a DJ of course, so everybody was dancing to the techno, and eventually there was the macarena, went for AGES. So me, Erin and Kyla joined in on zee action, and so did Mrs Field and her new, massive, unstable, black boyfriend.
Sorry bout that folks. ;D
Haaa, anyway
then they did dessert. Mousse, mm. Infact, this next thing probably happened before the dessert:
Students awards! Each student got a 'most likely' award and they were alllll different. Coz Sarah took a lot of days off school this year, hers was 'Most likely to take a sickie on the night of the formal'
Mason's was "Most likely to be married to AB this time next year" AHHAHAHA. Here's some others I can recall:
"Most likely to throw this award out"
"Most likely to do the best moves on the dance floor"
"Most likely to cater for Mexicans"
I DONT THINK THE LAST ONE IS RIGHT. But I like it, ton sarn.
Anyway, at around 10.30 dad, went home, then the DJ started up again. Me and Erin joined in the dancing for aaaages. They went at about 11:40, and we left at midnight.
Word Count: 957.
Monday, 16 October 2006
Queensland, Dave Five AND My Birthday!
Okay I'd like this to be quick. The Tuesday in Queensland was SEA WORLD DAY. There's a huuuuge monorail going around the place, which we rode on out of boredom, woohoo. There was a show on, some realllyyyy cheesy '60s surfer thing with teenagers in love and LOTS of water-skiing and water-activites. :]
We saw heaps of anermuhls, like the underground shark viewing thing, the seals whom have rocks, AND Melissa from year 11! We saw her but she didn't see us. No she's not an animal. Bahha :]
Sarah and I went on the log flume which was SHAPED LIKE A PIRATE XD and there was a huuuuge drop that I screamed at :] We too went on the Bermuda Triangle which took soooo long in the line and that crappy video about Americans. Then there was the boat ride into the volcano which SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME. Creepy aliens and very, very loud noises, flashing things, FIRE, backwardsness, betrayal and the guy talking on the "radio" which was just plain hilarity.
Anyway after looking at a lot of animals and this big ship that you could see dolphins from (and we also watched a dolphin training bit) we got on this chairlift from one side of the park which went allllll the way to the other side over the lakes and stuuf it was SO high up it was creepy.
ANYWAY I hate asians, they were walking so damn slow we missed the bus the hell out of there and we had to wait for another one -.-" ASIANS WERE EVERYWHERE.
The end.
Monday, October 2.
FOR THAT. Now my birthday was the first day of school, which was actually a staff work day so we didn't go, BAHAH. I tried planning my birthday party but things just got in the way that made me go: John confused? So I didn't end up having one.
I made a list :] Off it I got Scrubs season 4 (BOOYAH), Simpsons Season 8, and baha eee my dad got the wiggidy-wackiest birthday cards he made himself thanks to our old buddy the internet :] and a STEWIE LUNCHBOX HEHEHE it is so cute. Treehehehehehehe =DDD
Of course grandparents and uncle Bruce gave me money, woohoo! Happy birthday to me! :]
Word Count: 388.
Wednesday, 11 October 2006
Queensland Day Four AND The Show!
Oookay, fay four was the Monday that we went to Currumbin, which is like a biiiig nature park thing. Like seriously, it's huge and spans over two roads. -.-"
The Currumbin National Park had animals and such. The queue at the lunch bar thing took like half an hour, we saw the Totally Wild show (which had nothing to do with the TV show whatsoever) and everythign there was uber expensive.
There were iris birds everywhere, and at 4pm they had a lorikeet feeding where people held up trays of food for lorikeets to come get.
So we walked around and such, la dee da, swell day for a hike. Then we went home.
Yeha I know, Currumbin wasn't that interesting.
Although later we could have gone into Surfers Paradise, if this was the night. It probably was, so I'll just write it here. :)
We got uber cool ice-cream and went ino the RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT MUSEUM.
It was so very, very weird. It was all underground, and there were weird videos and pictures and interactive things everywhere. Infact, one bit there was a mirror so you could do some tricks with your tongue, like rolling it etc. Then later in the thing you find out that it's a two-way mirror, so you get to watch people make stupid faces in the mirror! It was hilaritus!
Yes, hilaritus. Also they had this great thing where you walked through a small tunnel, and the walls are actually a big circle with fake rocks and stuff, and it rotated like crazy. So once you step inside you get really dizzy and walk along the path, and there's just a door out the other end next to the mirrors, that reflected the spininess of the rotating dealy.
Yeeeeah that didn't make much sense.
Wednesday, September 27.
Oookay, I'm gonna skip ahead a few weeks to the last Wednesday of the holidays before I forget it. I went to the Melbourne Shooow!
Okay I was meeting Donna and Julie at the Frankston station for the first time. I got there at like 7:30, and they were already there. Julie was scared of me coz I kept patting her, and Donna's sister Rachel, and her boyfriend Brad, were there too. So Trevor came as well, I donno if he was there already I don't remember, but then Louise came later and I met her for the first time as well. At like, 8, we got on a train and went up to Melbourne.
We had some trouble with wehre we were getting on or off, whathaveyou, and I kept bothering Donna and Julie on the way up which of course gave me ENDless enjoyment! HoozaH!
Sooo yeeeah we switched trains at Southern Cross station to the showgrounds one. We got there at like.. some time. 10, perhaps? Anwyay we went through and Julie peed, which was wonderful. Donna and I could hear PANIC! playing so we were singing along outside and Julie came out later, who heard us the whole time :)
Anyway there was some ride that had heaps of chain chairs and it got up really high and spun around in circles for aaages. Donna was eager to go no, I was not, and Julie is more brave than I so those two went on. BAHAH JULIE'S FACE WAS SO SCAAAAARED. Aww, she looked so cute tho <3 style="font-weight: bold;">
Amber and Julie were not happy. Oops <3<3<3 style="font-weight: bold;">Word Count: 1,036.
Saturday, 7 October 2006
Queensland, Days Two & Three.
Oh-kay-son! 2nd day, we woke up, Sarah and I probably tried to find a slim chance to get in the spa as there was ALWAYS someone in it. ALWAYS. Especially this evil, greedy Indian couple who wouldn't stop howling over it. Silly, silly people.
So we got a bus down to Pacific Fair. Now Pacific Fair is this HUMUNGOE shopping centre, that is just the largest thing ever. It's like Southland, apparently.
I went and had breakfast at a cafe thing, pancakes :) They were HUMUNGOE so I didn't eat it all.. hehe. Mum stopped at like every store, and for some reason we stopped at Target for like 2 HOURS MINUS ONE HOUR. They wanted to shop shop shop! I found a DVD of Annie, Fly Away Home and Madeleine. So I bought that for the kicks.
Then, I got sunnies! At last! We had searched for sungalsses just about everywhere and finally found some <3 style="font-weight: bold;">.
Sunday, September 17.
One. Where is the fife. And two, give me the fife.
Okay we got up and decided to go to MOVIE WORLD! Hoozah! We got in tharrrrrrr, there's like a gazillion sections before the actual entrance. First there's the bus parking and seating in very front, in the middle of nowhere.
Becuase Movie World and Wet n Wild World (and that Australian shack thing) are out in the middle of nowhere on the highway between the Gold Coast and Brisbane).
Anyway then there's the BUY YOUR TICKETS AREA. Then you walk forward like, another 10 metres and there's the VALIDATE YOUR TICKET area. Then like, another 30 metres ahead is the landmark archway to the park: The giant Movie World sign. We both some photos infront of it, which was the sex :)
So we went inside and there's this giant waterfall, that actually wasn't giant, infront of us. To the left is the BATMAN STORE AND RIDE which we didn't even get into that region. Infront of the waterfall is the SUPERMAN RIDE.
Maddz kept wanting me to go on it, and I think not! Bahahah! Fools!
I can hear the transmission thing talking. "Please prepare for your suicide, now. If you wish to live, please exit the ride immediately. *Harnasses come down* BAHAHA JUST KIDDING."
Asians were everywhere taking photos, almost everything was a gift shop, and they had these delicious things called CHURROS, which is like a cinammon donut, only it's long like a huge sausage and baked more thoroughly :)
Oh golly I could live off those. Even writing about them is making my mouth go boom.
We went into a gift store or dozen, coz mum really wanted to, and I was phoning with Maddz thinking of soemthing to get her. I couldnt decide, so Sarah led me out and told me to come back at the end of the day, which we forgot all about. I still don't have anything for her!
So we passed the Shrek 4-D thing, and went in! Now I assumed 4-D was just 3-D with a MORE X-TREME name. I was wrong. 4-D is actually 3-D, except the chairs move too. For instance, Donkey sneezed, and wtaer came out of the chair infront of you and sprayed you in the legs. And spiders jumped on the screen, so little burts of air came out behind your legs and tickled your leggings. There was also a spray of wawter from the back of the chair in the neckle region, and the chairs vibrated a lot.
Okay, it was just creepy. So ON WE WENT down the path and there was like, Hi-5 impersenators, or Mystery Inc. impersonaters, I forget who was there at the time. Anyway it was just scary, so ON WE WALKED, into the little area which was the.. Looney Tunes something. We went on the River Ride, which was a journey to "find Bugs Bunny" coz he ran off, then we went through a river with lots of.. things. It was just weird.
So I then went on MY FIRST ROLLERCOASTER EVARRR. The Road Runner Rollercoaster. lol it was just weird. Who the hell puts their arms in the air?!
Lol, so Sarah and I went on the KIDS BUMPER CARS. Never been on that before, either. It was so great. lmao. Mum took photos :)
I wanted to get an airbrush tattoo, but Sarah didn't! BAAAAH
We went back to a gift shop and I bought a keyring, and mum bought some mugs. Teeeeeheeeee
I think we left after that. If I missed anything, TOO BAD
Oh wait, we saw the Police Academy Stunt Show. Lmao it was great. For the half-hour it filled, there was a mime dressed like a cop who was doing clown-things, like blowing up balloons and spraying people with water.
The stunt show itself was funny, they brought down 4 random people from the audience, and one of them WAS ACTUALLY A STUNT GUY. And he got hurt a lot. Lmao. It was terrific. There was explosions, fast cars, falling, diving, suspending, flying through the air.. bah it had it all. GIANT FIRE ERSPLOSION AT THE END.
So yeah we bussed home, watched that DVD I bought. Hehehehe.
Word Count: 957.
Wednesday, 27 September 2006
Queensland, Day One.
Okay, it's the alst day of school, but I didnt go. I got on a plane to Queensland instead. The plane left at around the middle of the day and got there at 2:20. I sat at the airport outside at Coolangatta and called Maddz. A shuttle came like 20 minutes later. =D So we took the shuttle to Enderly Gardens, on the way noticing that there are too many resorts, buses and Asians, and settled in.
This place is great. It has a pool and a spa! Oh, and a sauna! Ooooooh. Actually it's got a table tennis, tennis court, a playground and a few barbeques to. It's just that we didn't use those. =D
So on the Friday night, Mother, Sarah and I went into the main shopping centre downtoen of Surfers Paradise, called Surfers. Or Surfers Centro, blah blah. On Friday nights down by the beach, there's a market, where people set up stalls and things. It was quite boring, though Mother found it FASCINATING! We walked around a lot after that, and bought a few things. Later we went home and went to bed. Late.
The thing about the Gold Coast is, if you're either old, fat, or Asian, you're going to reproduce. And boy do they. They were everywhere.
Saturday, 23 September 2006
The sun will come out tomorrow! (AKA. Annie)
Monday, September 12.
The very first day of Annie training at the school that we were performing it at. Oh boy was that hellish. We didn't get to use the real change rooms, and my part was too damn quiet, I was really bad at it. The guys had to go out and change in the toilets of the EMC Gym.. WHERE THERE WERE PEOPLE. And EMC people suck, trust me. The all think they're top shit. It was actually rather depressing. For them, not me. I just laughed at them for being so stupid.
Tuesday, September 13.
The performance is the very next day and we are so obviously totally not ready. But meh. xD we still didn't get the change rooms this time either, and Zoe and I told Cara to come to the back stage door at recess, and she did. She got shooed off by little kids. Then she came back at lunch, and we spoke for like 3 minutes before little kids told on them and got Cara and her friends kicked out. I hate children.
Wednesday, September 14.
Well now it's the night of the very first performance, at EMC, and we went through it with flying colours. We somehow made some sort of a fluke and went through it much better than we had rehearsed it. For instance, Warren dropped a champagne glass by accident and yelled out, "THAT'S MY FINE CHINA!" Everybody laughed! Well I didn't. I wasn't there, I was backstage. But I kept hearing about it, soooo much!
Thursday, September 15.
The second night of performing, we all sucked that night. It didn't go as well as Wednesday, but apparently it sold like 80 tickets on THAT DAY because people thought it was really good the previous night. Hilarity box! At the end of the show, Sofi had decided that the year 8's decided to give all the people who worked on the production a little gift. I GOT TO GIVE SHAD CHOCOLATES. The crowning touch, believe me. Anyway, I got outside afterwards, and I went to bother people and say bye to them, and who should I run into but CARA JADE HERSELF. Yes, her and her mother got tickets at the door, on the night, and now Cara won't stop saying Oxydent. Blahajdhads! So I talked with Cara for a while, and I later was introduced to Cara's mum, who I called Mrs. Cara Jade, sea monkies all around.
And then I left, never to return until the very next term...
BECAUSE I WENT TO QUEENSLAND THE NEXT DAY! Read the enxt blog for more details, that's if it's been invented yet, which would depend on whether or not you're reading this while you're all asleep and I'm still up writing this at 5:30 in the morning. What am I even doing up at this hour? I JUST DON'T KNOW. I think it's starting to get a bit light. I hear birds chirping and I thought I saw a bit of horizon outside. =D
Now for that thing I haven't done in a while, what my MSN names mean! The previous one for March 18, I remember was from a Simpsons episode, fairly new, with the guy who trained dugongs/manatees. Yeeeeeeah.
Mar 19 jerrrneee ~ They both died doing what they love... rafting.
JD is fed up with listening to the story Carla and Ron are talking about. Carla comes to the conclusion that they both died. JD says, "Oh, thank GOD!" in relief that the story is over. Then he needs to cover for it.
Mar 20 jerrrneee ~ Cleanliness is next to not dying ness.
Was this off Spongebob? Or was it some other quote off Spongebob that went along the same lines as that?
Mar 21 jerrrneee ~ Great cow of Moscow!
I think it was one of the random exclamations that Hermes would blurt out every so often on Futurama.
Mar 22 jerrrneee ~ This is a man that believes the plural of goose is sheep.
Lois on Family Guy: Do you want this man to be looking after your children? This is a man that believes the plural of goose is sheep. Vote for me!
Mar 23 jerrrneee ~ The in-your-face interface.
Just one of the many components of Bender.
Mar 24 jerrrneee ~ I am Bender. Please insert girder.
From the same episode as above, Bender's free will and brain disk is removed and that is all he can say.
Mar 25 jerrrneee ~ They said I probably shouldn't fly with just one eye!
Again, the same episode, something Leela randomly sang.
Mar 26 jerrrneee ~ Warb of the worlds.
On one of the Simpsons halloween episodes, this was what one of those modified credit names said.
Mar 28 jerrrneee ~ Coming soon to an illegal DVD.
A tagline at the beginning of a Futurama episode.
Mar 29 jerrrneee ~ Ruby Joe was having a little female trouble of his own.
Bah, I don't remember, but it was really good! NYEEEE!
Mar 30 jerrrneee ~ Sweets for the sweet!
The gay waiter at the Sacred Heart Hospital that they would act gay infront of to get free food. One time he gave JD cake, while declaring, "Sweets for the sweet!"
Mar 31 jerrrneee ~ That's not crime! That's a box with CRIME written on it!
Apr 1 jerrrneee ~ Teenage kids washing cars for money; is there anything more arousing?
Something mister Tom Tucker said as a finishing round-up for a filler story on the news.
Apr 2 jerrrneee ~ Nice and hollow, mister roboto.
How Homer says he likes the waffles his robot prepares.
Now then, it's best for me to be off! It's almost 6am, and I'm yet to sleep. I'll go to sleep when everybody is awake. Bwahahah!!
I'll write another blog when man walks on the sun.
Word Count: 1,035
Tuesday, 22 August 2006
Bake me a pie, Martha. (AKA woww. big day, mum's bday, jelly baby.)
Ghahahaa. It's mum's birthday today. 48. Oldie. In the morning, I had to get at school at
Me: *comes in to the office. only other person there is yr 12 caz.*
Mrs. Rietveld: oh, good... *looking grateful* sinc you're so brave, WEAR THIS.
(well, basically)
Lawl, well, I had a really heavy backpack that sprayed air into the silk suit, and a giant head twice or three times my own head on the top. It was crazy. I had to balance my head so I could see with my real chin.
ANyway, we went around to home groups getting money off people, and I dressed in it again at lunch and took photos with little bastard children poking me and stuff. I hate them allllll.
Cara asked me to go to Frankston today.. haha too bad, I went out for dinner instead at Fratelli's. It was alright =P Me, Mum, Saarah, Ben and Ross went. Swellination! Haha, like at a diagonaly table away, there was a booth, with a mum, dad, a really tiny kid and another kid (which I didnt see, the dad was in the way =P) anyway, the kid was staring at us, so we stared back. Sarah made a retarded happy face, and I pointed at him. After a while he got upset and we saw him go, "mummy..." so we were like, AHH SHIT LOOK DOWN. and the mum was apparently glaring at us, I didn't see. Haha, the kid was still scared so he swapped seats with his creppy brutish father so the kid ditn have to look at us.
The dad was fxcking staring at us for the rest of the night.
Straight after taht, at like 8, me, Ben and Sarah drove up to KRISPY KREME, BITCH. In like, Narre Warren. The drive thru was empy and there were lines of like 30 asians inside. "Okay, drive thru." Went in, out in like a minute. Now we have 2 boxes, all up 24 donuts, to scoff down. Still not done.
When the three of us got home, Ross and Mum werent there, and we didnt have keys. Luckily Sarah knew the way in:
The bathroom window aint locked so we took of the flywire and went in. Now I'm here writing this blog =P
Word Count: 430
Friday, 14 July 2006
I'm telling you, pineapples work as silencers. (AKA, just about everything)
I have a whole Amber-related story here I typed earlier, but who cares. It's not worthy of being typed again.
I <3 style="font-weight: bold;">Home Group - Jamison
This subject is completely uninimpoartant, yeah, as it't not even a subject. It's the bloody 15 minutes in the morning where Jammo takes roll call, speeches, and Mady sucks up to her.
Extra Curricular Activites:
-The Production of Annie
-Outdoor Education Camp Wilsons Prom
Jammo's Two Cents Worth:
John has been a respectful and attentive student. He has good relationships with his peers and is always smiling (it's morning, nothing has spoiled my day yet). He has been punctual and well presented. He has had overdue work and it reminded to use his diary to plan his time.
Days Late: 2
Days Absent: 9
Stevo's Worthless Counterfeit Cents (he's the head of Middle School):
John, you have worked well generally, but have let yourself down by not submitting some work on time.
Then there are his signature and the Principal's. If I had a scanner, they'd be up here.
Excellent Good Satisfactory Improve
Uniform x
Punctuality x
Use of Diary x
Class Duties x
Manners x
Devotions x
English - Jamison - N (that's a fail :D)
Gegh, what planet is Jammo on? In the Subject Overview, she wrote that we read some book called 'Halfway Across The Galaxy and Turn Left' a book we never read, we apparently worked out of a book called English Rules! aswell, and got to write a log on a book of our choice. FALSE.
World War II research project - B
Debating - C
Comparison of film and novel - NA
Book Report - N
Language Analysis - B (don't think I did that...)
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Borderline NS
Behaviour x
Effort x
Homework x
Organized x
Relationships x
Work Submit x
Mathematics - Lewis - C
Wow, you know what would've helped in Maths? If e didn't have a polish sausage teaching the class. She can't teach for squat. I laugh. Gahaha. Number, Algebra, Space, Measurement, Chance and Data, Reasoning and Strategy. Hm.
Directed Number - B
Consumber Maths - C
Number Assignment - B
Statistics - C
Algebra - S
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Borderline NS
Behaviour x
Effort x
Homework x
Organized x
Relationships x
Work Submit x
She's so lazy for doing the graph like that. Eh, Hopkins did it too, and he's a fag.
History - Jamison - N (yay, another fail. I've failed 2/3)
Haha, Jammo got the description right this time. Something about the Darak Ages, Medieval Times and William The Dudeface.
Dark Ages Project - A
Life in Medieval Times project - N (YAYAYYA, I think that was the one where we had to make a model. what do you learn about castles by building a model?)
Dark Ages test - E
Life in Medival Times test - N (I'm not good at Medieval Times.. but yet, I blame it on Jammo)
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Borderline NS
Behaviour x
Effort x
Homework x
Organized x
Relationships x
Work Submit x
HAHAHAH, we never had any Homework in History anyway.
Bible Studies - Jamison - N (yay, failed 3/4)
Have you noticed that this is the last Jammo subject, and I failed them all? :) Oh well, I blame her. TOFF. I can explain another reason why I failed it.. the subject overview claims doesn't blatantly say what topics we did like the other pages do... every day in Bible seemed completely irrelevent to the previous lesson. I got no work done.
Tests - N
Class and Book work - N (she never checked it!)
Assignments - N
Overall Grade - C
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Borderline NS
Behaviour x
Effort x
Homework x
Organized x
Relationships wtf, no mark here. am I that bad?
Work Submit x
Science - Fat bitch waste of sp-- Field - E
Haha, I BARELY passed this subject. I expected to fail, as Field is THE worst teacher at the school. My whole family hates her, especially mother. I told Field I hated her earlier this year. Field ia ALWAYS at least 10 mins late to every class and always tells blonde jokes and shit to fill time, that's how crappy she is. I could rant more about Field, but it would take up too much time and space. Just like she does.
Spot Test - UG
Practical Work - B
Native Plants - D
Topic Test - E
Wind Pollinated Flower Assignment - C (I didn't do the model.. just like with the castles in History, what the fark do you learn from making a model?)
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Borderline NS
Behaviour x
Effort x
Homework x
Organized x
Relationships x
Work Submit x
Geography - Schultink - S
Schultink is a NORMAL teacher. We learn with him. He teaches us. It works. He's not FIELD.
Bookwork S/N - D
Tests - D
Weather Hazards Project - S
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Borderline NS
Behaviour x
Effort x
Homework x
Organized x
Relationships x
Work Submit x
Physical Education - Jackass, not worthy of a name - N
Last time I wrote this, I did a HUGE rant and stuff like that, about how Jackass never actually teaches us anything, but instead tells us to just "play a game" so he can perve on the guys with the tight pants. I'll try to recollect :) Jackass is the jackassiest teacher. EVARR. In his comments on my PE-ness, or lack thereof, the last sentence was, "I have spoken to John about the expectations and requirements that he needs to fulfil in order to succeed in Physical Educaation, but unfortuneately he has not taken any positive steps to improve in this area." Damn right, I haven't. It's coz YOU'RE AN IDIOT, JACKASS. I doubt he actually typed the reports. He must have used a person who can translate Neanderthal into English. Here's what Jackass probably said for that sentence: JOHN IS DA IDIOTITITICIC DUZNT TO FUKN NUTTIN GLARRGJAGSD. Congratulations, you're mediocre! Here's some gentle applause for you out of pity. *One clap*.
Volleyball - D
Theory Assignment - N (load of shit. what to you learn about fitness from looking up an AFL player?)
Softball - E
Soccer - E
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Borderline NS
Behaviour x
Effort x
Organized x
Relationships x
Work Submit x
Information Skills - Woodbridge - S
Every subject from this one on falls under the 'Useless' category. I adivse you to stop reading altogether. Information Skills is some crock about library resources and bibliographies etc. We only have one period a week of this, it's that useless.
Bibliography - S
Note-taking - S
Bibliography Electronic - S
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Borderline NS
Behaviour x
Effort x
Homework x
Organized x
Relationships x
Work Submit x
Outdoor Education - AJ - N
This doesn't even deserve a summary.
Information Technology - Hopkins.. yeah, "DR" Hopkins - C
Information tech was a crock this year. He couldn't teach and he's slow at everything, ESPECIALLY speech. But, he's not your average old guy with dimensia, no, he acts all high and mighty as if he's still qualified to utter more than 5 words in the day. Which he shouldn't. He's really slow. A few people moved home groups at the beginning of the year. He still hasn't figured it out. The subject overview says we had a look at writing our own computer program... you gotta be pretty damn smart to know how that works. Most people can't open the windows in our classroom, how will they cope? PLUS, he says that when he gave the opportunity for someone to come up and demonstrate something, I should've put my hand up. He only ever gave us this chance twice, and I was the one to demonstrate one of those times. PLUS PLUS, in the graph, he put the ticks in every row in the same spot. That's not a coincidence, he did it for everybody else as well.
Use of office software - B (oh please, I know more than he does)
Knowledge and correct use of computers - C
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Borderline NS
Behaviour x
Effort x
Homework x
Organized x
Relationships x
Work Submit x
Performing Arts - Hooper - A
I did quite well in this one. Too bad it's an elective and means nothing whatsoever.
Research Questions - A
Group performance project - A
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Borderline NS
Behaviour x
Effort x
Homework x
Organized x
Relationships x
Work Submit x
Wow, I passed the half year. Does this matter for the end of year? I'll fail that and stay behind. They can put it in 'ALMOST' magazine.
Here I go again with my old MSN names and what they mean.
Feb 25 OMGTEHJHNNY )( I don't understand the question! Tehehheegeheh!
This is something Josh kept saying for a few days, pretending to be a teenybopper. The constant twirling of the hair is also included.
Feb 26 OMGTEHJHNNY )( Sploopz!
Amy said this on a Futurama episode when she dropped her glass of champagne.
Feb 27 OMGTEHJHNNY )( Two cups, and some pie.
JD had said this to Danni on Scrubs when he was persuading her to stay longer.. with the temptation of two cups of coffee and some pie.
Feb 28 OMGTEHJHNNY )( You know what would make this party better? Sweet death.
During a really boring party on That 70s Show.. Eric's cry for help.
Mar 1 OMGTEHJHNNY )( Paint the town green! ...with red paint.
I think Philly had this as her MSN name for a while. I steal so much off her.
Mar 2 OMGTEHJHNNY )( Ahh! Ow! Ohh!
As Dr. Cox said to.. someone.. a patient, the guy who always thought he was sick.. "Take your temperature, check your vitals, and your rectal.. it's your basic Ahh, Ow.. (aroused) ohh!"
Mar 3 OMGTEHJHNNY )( I made like a finnity of those at scout camp.
Mar 4 OMGTEHJHNNY )( Bend, and snap!
I don't believe this needs a description.
Mar 5 OMGTEHJHNNY )( Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
Was is Philly that said this? Or Julez? Someone.
Mar 6 OMGTEHJHNNY )( From the outside to the backside.
I was attempting to say something in my head.. like "from the outside to the otherside" but I couldn't get the words. That's what came out instead.
Mar 7 The Master Of Irrelevance $$ Tumours aren't contagious, but I can make an exception.
DAMMIT I don't remember! Waaa.
Mar 9 The Master Of Irrelevance $$ 60 years?! That's almost 75 years!
I have a feeling this might have something to do with Tash, but I don't think I knew her back then.
Mar 10 Shad " You're learning stuff, you're doing stuff, you're eating chicken breast!
HAHAHAH wish I could remember this one, it was really good...
Mar 11 Shad " Oh, the necklace, yaay!
Yep, 70s Show quote.
Mar 12 Shad " That's right Evans.. time to die...
Squinty kept saying this all the time a while ago, although he doesn't remember it.
Mar 13 Shad " I wish my grass was emo so it would cut itself.
This seems to have been on everyone's MSN name, but I stole it off Adelle. :)
Mar 14 Shad " People are bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling.
Teh greatest, well not absolute greatest quote from Scrubs that is a classic. I'm still using it today.
Mar 15 Shad " You're welcome-o.
Dr Kelso trying to speak Spanish.
Mar 16 Shad " These boots are made for kicking... you.
Philly's MSN name, I believe?
Mar 17 Shad " Raisins are nuture's candy, just as eggs are nature's hand grenades.
70s show, during halloween.
Kitty: (gives trick or treaters raisins, the kids complain and whine) Oh come on now, raisins are nature's candy! (The kids throw eggs at their door)
Red: Yeah, just as eggs are nature's hand grenades.
Mar 18 Shad " Yummy yummy kelp. " Happy birthday David/NicLOL
I don't quite remember, it could have been off Spongebob. Whoever said it had a REALLY soothing voice though...
Wizzi and I have been exchanging comments yesterday. Here's a transcript:
You are my little gentleman
Paint my house
..Rockin Robin..
i sure will paint your house.
and then ill fart all over it.
haha itll be a date!
pringles taste better if you crush them up.
loveeee wiz xxx
I <3 style="font-weight: bold;">..Rockin Robin..
yay for chocolate.
better have been an italian douchebag coz im italian mwahahaha
eggs. boiled or fried?
i like them both ways. or in an ommlette too!
smack those little yr 7ers back to yr 7 land because they are bitches fro trying to touch you with eggs.
thats my job anyway
sorry what was your job?
being a bitch?
being italian?
being a douchebag?
being a year 7
or a year 7 beater?
I like the last one.
I also like ice cream
and a nice pair of slacks.
won't you dine my sleigh tonight?
..Rockin Robin..
all of the above and much more.
like professional...eater?
guess what
i just realised that because one was reflecting in my eye.
im pretty much the smartest like ever.
nice myspace, ever take it over any sweet jumps?
wooo good old napolean dynomite.
I took my layout off the pier
I think it's still out there.
I can guess what too!
so, guess what
how can you seeeee
guess what again
I am a fhqwhgad
bloody doctors, you get the same disease 3 or 4 times, they start lecturing you like it's your fault.
..Rockin Robin..
my sunnies are only a little too big. they kinda fall off my head when i walk. but only a little.
guess what else.
i had americans at my house.
four 18 yr olds.
it was so very funny
one of them wore my glasses.
i got a pic
veryyy funny.
guess ANOTHER thing
I ate a tube of americans for dinner.
4 18 year olds.
now I don't have any room in my stomach for like phillipino drag queens.
oh wellington. BEEF.
..Rockin Robin..
a tube of americans?
is that like american vegimite?
i figured out something today while i was eating my strawberry jam on toast.
they call jam, jelly.
because they say..yeah ill have some jelly on toast thanks.
and they mean that they want jam on toast.
but preeeety funny
orange highlighter..
*coughs blood*
my race will find this information very interesting. why thankyou Lolly, m'love.
I ate an orange highlighter today... now I shoot orange lazers out of my eyes. ^_^
..Rockin Robin..
i once knew a man from nantucket that could shoot green lazors from his eyes. true story.
and you know what else americans say that is weird
instead of saying it our way that say it like
like that!
its really funny.
and tomato sauce. theres no tomato sauce in america. its ketchup.
go figure..
*coughs blood*
my race will find this information very interesting. why thankyou Lolly, m'love.
I ate an orange highlighter today... now I shoot orange lazers out of my eyes. ^_^
..Rockin Robin..
thats the SAME comment buddy!
oh yeah
guess what
i got a high score on my pinball machine!
*goes and figures*
they're so american.
I'm quite scared.
what about the hawaiians?
I drove to Hawaii once.
the welcome sign said "Welcome to Hawaii, How'd you get here in a car?"
THAT'S KERMAZING. what high score number?
yes, m'love, I seem to have pressed the POST COMMENT button and it froze, so I went back and posted it again.
..Rockin Robin..
dont worship americans unless its the guys that stayed at my place.
and hawaiians are amreicans too.
but they are hawiian americans.
there is a difference. i think
i wish i could drive to hawaii.
i drove to see nemo one time in my bus
that was pretty cool
but the only problem was that we couldnt open the windows unless we were thirsty
icecream stickss
Rockin Robin, eh?
Me likes.
my ex and I
are fighting
and she recruited some bastard
and they both think I didn't respect her or something
and used her
not sure how they came to this conclusion
they think they know what happened in my head.
and this bloody other random, daniel, is acting all fucking manly and shit, saying he'd pay people to bash me and crap.
..Rockin Robin..
ill smash them for ya.
and OMG that happened to me.
these randoms added me to an msn convo and were abusing me and telling me how they were gonna kill me and stuff
scaryy people.
they couldnt even spell propperly.
tough break with the ex from hell it sounds like.
keep up the good thaughts.
hehe i like to dance
not particularly naked
but i like to dance.
haha rockin robin, song.
good to dance to too.
especially aerobics.
omg, I <3 style="font-weight: bold;">..Rockin Robin..
its so true.
it really shows how pathetic and immature you are. to argue.
i hate arguments unless its randoms on msn
then its fun to piss them off.
just tell them to get over themselves because you are cool because i said so and thats all that matters.
yeah, msn fights r0x0rz, get to calculate your thoughts together in as much time as you want, and there's no physical hurtation at all ^_^
I might murder someone. Not you Lollie, that'd be a hate crime and I luv ya.
..Rockin Robin..
you can murder...ummm
someone gross...
pamela anderson?
i dunno. someone like that..
no body would miss them haha
i hope that you wouldnt kill me
then who would act like a mental at school?
it would be a really really sad school then and not just a really sad school.
dance to 'the boys are back in town' by thin lizzy
because its great
i did when i was a little tipsy at my cousins sweet 16th and i was with my kinda drunk mother and all my mental cousins and sister and friends. it was very much fun.
and 'shake your groove thing' by peaches and herb.
best song in the world to dance to.
im writing an assignment now.
its so boring.
im trying to make it differnt to what i usually write. yeah..
im hungry
you are my little gentleman.
I hate Pamela Anderson. and the backdoor boys.
I must get these songs! SOMEHOW!
omg I just tought, amber's goon douchebag who acted all manyl earlier, he threatened me, should I call the police? :)
*Dances to that song about the discoteque*
..Rockin Robin..
nahh not the police. they are the cheap way
you need a detective!
and this detective needs to stalk this dude and knock on the window when s/he is in the shower and on the toilet.
preferably on the toliet incase they shit themselves
haha im quite the thinker.
i neeeeeed a job.
get a job as a chimney sweep.
you can sing a song about CHIMNEY SWEEPIN
your pic certainly makes you look like a detective... mouse detective, CHEEEESE
..Rockin Robin..
that is the best idea in the world!!!!
i will definately become a chimny sweep. and if that doesnt work..
ill shine peoples shoes for a nickel!
haha i like my glasses. and the pic of my glasses.
i think its really swifty.
HAHA other pic...we fell on eachother...
OMG WIZPIES, I just thought of things to tell you
Juzz said he might be flying to Victoria some day. I don't know if that means he's edging closer to getting there, or he's just being optimistic... ho-hum
ALSO, I forgot. FARGNIDDA. oh yes
I'd fly up there, but I don't look as old as you bubs. I art a YOUNGIN. so, er yeah. :) so I hope Juzz doesn't come down, or we meet whatever, however, till I am older, hehe
..Rockin Robin..
ive gotta go to dinner.
but ill further write many comments latarr
dont miss me too much haha
yes... "fell"
I might watch some Frasier. the house is too bloody quiet when it's thingo'd. empty. cept for me. the television = next to me, so that's good.
*falls over*
*eats a tube of colgate*
*strikes pose*
*becomes a hermit*
Word Count: 3,743
Tuesday, 27 June 2006
Oh my stars, what's that on your neck?! (AKA Ringwood Pool/Fullerton's/Picnic)
Afterwards we went back to Cathy's watched *almost* all of The Holy Grail, which Jake keeps wanting me to see, played board games or sommet and ate tacos. >.<
You're covered in a fine fuzz.
Anyway, onto Saturday. In the afternoon me and mum wento to Ringwood/Knox City. Mum saw a movie while I stayed with Erin and Kyla at theit place. xDD! We watched The Pacifier and searched through FOXTEL DIGITAL XDD. Mother finally came home, we ate (well, I didn't) and then we loitered for a while and left to go die in peace.
Todaaaay Tash train'd down to Frankston, so me, her, Sarah and Guida went to a park and picnic'd. We bought a little battery-powered boat from the THING OF PLACES. FRANKSTON. I think we left it in the pond. Lol. :)
We went to the playground and burned things in the toilets. THERE WAS NO SHAME FOR GOING IN THE OPPOSITE SEX'S BATHROOM.
We went to Frankston and bought things.
The end.
PS. JUST started going out with someone... heheh
Thursday, 22 June 2006
I hope that's just excessive fat. I don't want another child. (AKA Maddz slept over!)
I was at dads, and me, mum and Sarah were at a mad dash to beat them to our place before they did. They arrived like 20 seconds later, hehehe.
We set up shop and went on a HUGE walk around the place, we stopped at a school and played on the playground for a while... ahahah. Then we entered a charity store and bought some coffee mugs and some hat *disturbed face*
Back at home, we loitered for a bit, went on MSN, Maddz painted my nails 0_o (actually it was awesome, black and then glittery dark purple, it was lush.) We went to bed at like, 12/12.30.
In the morning, we woke up, ate fetuses, then at 10 mum dropped us off (at the hospital) and we walked down to Karingal shopping centre. We saw SO many people! Aisha, Matt, her church pastor (who for some reason was down in Frankston? eh I dunno which church he's from), Daniel, and some kid in grade 5 at school.
At Karingal, we looked at the map, they have TWO Safeways. This really pissed Maddz off, lol. We went in Safeway and got Pringles, Mentos, Raspberry Bullets, blank CDs, and some forks, which I LOVE. Also, at the Reject Shop, I made Maddz get a dummy. She got a two-pack, now Gen has one too, ahaha.
WOW, 70 free texts for $10?! Bargain. Plus, Maddz got the new AFI album.
We WALKED back to my hosue, must've taken like, an hour. Just beat her mum back, again. Lol xD!
Goodbye, fellow fetus-goers.
PS, the old moustachioed lady was there again, too.
Sunday, 28 May 2006
Strap yourselves in.
Okay, listen to my song on my space!! It's terrific. To The Woman by Tammany Hall NYC. Try to listen to the lyrics, a lot of it is just gibberish and unadible. So I'll dig up some lyrics and post it (mostly for my benefit, coz I don't honestly know the lyrics either):
i was lonely and i was tired and i was drifting away.
i was half lit and just about losing it .
i was lost and looking till i heard you say,
"thanks for coming" and "glad to meet you" and
"have a good time" and "the drinks are that way."
then my heart grew and i knew just what to do and my words were with me.
they flowed that day.
hey to the woman that saved my life .
she helped me make it through a darker day.
you're the most beautiful girl alive.
i'm no poet but i want to say
all the sadness and all the misery and all the darkness seemed to leave.
and all that's charming and that's funny and all my faith was restored to me.
so hey to hey to the woman that saved my life .
she helped me make it through a darker day.
you're the most beautiful girl alive.
i'm no poet but i want to say.
lonely then you saved me.
i was lonely then you saved me.
so hey to hey to the woman that saved my life .
she helped me make it through a darker day.
you're the most beautiful girl alive.
i'm no poet but i want to say.
tharr, off the tammany hall website itself.
Yesterday, Jake, Josh and I went to go see X-Men 3, which by the way IS ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES I'VE EVER SEEN. IT WAS GREAT. Yeha anyway, we went to Karingal, and after the movie I got chips at Chicken Plus (mm so damn fine) and Jake and Josh got something from Jade Garden or sommet...
Wow, I can't believe how many people I ran into at Karingal. I'm gonna try to list them off.
-That blonde curly-haired bastard in year 10
-His friend (they were both in the movie too)
-Daniel from drama (I have an inkling he was, too in the movie I was)
-Chris N in year 9...
-That curl-haird brunette guy.. I think his name is James?
-That blonde chick in year 11 (I think) saw me when I went to Hungry Jacks.. coz she was working the headset with angry people waiting outside
-Zak, Zach, Zac, however you spell his name, from youth.. I was loitering outside Hungry Jack's and he rocked up on his bike coz he works there, arhahrhar.
I branged my pimp hat to school on Thursday... BIIIIIIG MISTAKE. I hate you all (who go to my school). Everybody in year 8 wanted a piece of the hat, so there was stealing, pleading, begging, BEING A BITCH, (espiecially you, teenies) and so at the end of the day my hat was folded and scrunched, there was yogurt or something white (don't Kirk) on the side.. I PAID FIFTEEN FUCKING DOLLARS FOR THAT and it's not mint anymore. For ONCE can I have something without it being shitted by you fat bastards? Especially you Elise, you kept running away from me when I chased after you attempting to punch you in the face and stealing my hat back. No, you weren't cute, giggling and shit, YOU'RE A BITCH. I hate you all.
Feb 1 - Jhnny - The trickster becomes the trickstered.
Wow, you gotta love Weebl and Bob.
Feb 4 - Jhnny - If I wasn't stuck here frozen, I'd harpoon you in the eye! (8)
Maybe the greatest line off Futurama.
Feb 5 - Jhnny - Do you want the kids to think that Santa's just a shallow empty-handed JERK?! (8)
This was in the same song off Futurama.
Feb 6 - Jhnny - Now cut my beard.
I don't honestly remember... probably some crap. Actually, it was off a caarton, I just don't know what...
Feb 7 - Jhnny - I like your sleeves.
Napoleon Dynamite!!!
Feb 8 - Jhnny - Teh Floating Hobos!
There were hobos with jetpacks on their backs on Futurama :D
Feb 10 - Jhnny - Lol?
Oh, something old from years ago that made Sarah laugh.
Feb 11 - Jhnny - Microsoft Joke©
Mr. Bender's humor by: MICROSOFT JOKE©.
Feb 12 - Jhnny - Right. Let's go get drunk before pilates.
A great quote off Scrubs said by some posh bitches.
Feb 13 - Jhnny - ...then I realized I was in pediatrics and it was just the wallpaper.
Another great Scrubs quote said by JD.
Feb 14 - Jhnny - If you ever get the chance again, PULL THE TRIGGER!
Kitty off That 70s Show after Eric holds out to tell on Laurie for having a fling with her teacher: Now you know I love you and your sister equally, but if you ever get the chance again, PULL THE TRIGGER!
Feb 15 = Jhnny = You gotta think evil man! Where would we be without the A-Bomb?
Another great quote from Hyde off That 70s show (same episode as above) as he's trying to convince Eric to dob Laurie in.
Feb 16 = Jhnny = Whoa, purple banana?
I was playing DK64 :)
Feb 17 = Jhnny = I don't know who it is, but it probly is fhqwhgads! = Happy birthday Elise!
Eye <3 style="font-weight: bold;">Feb 18 = Jhnny = Diamonds. She'll pretty much have to.
HAHHAHAHA this is like, the most classic quote everest. It's off Family guy. *man puts diamong ring of woman's finger. They kiss and the woman starts to get lower on his body. Chyron: Diamonds. She'll pretty much have to.*
Feb 19 = Jhnny = Cheese is my life! (8)
Haha, on Whose Line Colin had to make a song about how cheese is his life.
Off the Simpsons, when Grampa is speeding down an aisle in a store screaming NOOOOOOOOOOO, then sees gnomes infront of him, and tacks on a 'mes' at the end.
Feb 21 = Jhnny = ABSOLUTELYNOTnowmakemeasandwich.
Kelso off Scrubs: Why don't we just make this the same as my sex policy with my wife. ABSOULTELYNOTnowmakemeasandwich.
Feb 23 = Jhnny = Are you here for the feeding?
Oh that's great, it's off Road Trip when Tom Green is about to eat that mouse..
Feb 24 = Jhnny = If you were asian, you'd be home by now.
OMG I laughed for so damn long when Jake randomly blurted this out in Art, even though it means absolutely nothing.
Word Count: 1121.
Tuesday, 23 May 2006
Hah, I forgot to put in a subject.
Jan 24 Jhnny -
Obviously, this was to show that it was MEE
Jan 25 European Australian Italian Jumping Running Ghose Canary Snake
Me and somebody, I forgot who, were making up weird names or something.
Jan 27 Jhnny // It's a bit hard to moon, when ya have no ass. ;)
Quoted off That 70s Show
Jan 28 Jhnny // It's still three naked women, with a dog.
Same goes.
Jan 29 Jhnny // Shave off your eyebrows and glue them back on to look permanently surpirsed.
An idea they had on Malcolm in the Middle...
Jan 30 - Jhnny - You just watched it; you can't unwatch it!
The greatest quote off Futurama.
Jan 31 - Jhnny - Bent out on hedonism!
I discovered the word hedonism from Futurama XD
Well, now I'm bored. I really wanna get Family Guy season 4 pre-ordered for that extra-spesh box for them all to neatly fit in :P Like a meadow in the springtime.
Everytime I blog, my mind draws a total blank. I can't think of what to write! NYEEAHH!
Monday, 22 May 2006
I <3 Irony
Some coffee and a cake and a lime.
Hah, I went to JayJays and got the AWESOMENEST pimp hat and bum gloves. Have I already said this? Well you're hearing it again.
And Sofi agrees with me. That scary moustache woman IS there always.
Well I laugh at her face.
...and Ashley Parker Angel's.
Friday, 19 May 2006
Omg, I can't stop listening to Stop by the Spice Girls on Tash's space. I just love the whirring kinda thing in the background in the chorus, it's addictive. Better than secks.
Kathleen revealed to me that's she lives a double life as a pixie ninja that Jeremy doesn't know about... and David is actually an italian gigolo.
Who am I? Matthew McCann. Always have, always will be... NO WAIT! I was named Tits McGee on Thursday. That's me. I'm loving it.
So.. very.. bored.. ANYONE who lives in the Mornington Peninsula, GO TO KARINGAL HUB, PLEEEEEEASE I wanna see if I'm insane or not.. or if she's actually ALWAYS there. I don't honestly know why she's always there. Usually with a coffee cup from Gloria Jeans and a full shopping trolley. Infact, when you describe her fully, she sounds very retarted.
Old woman. Old *wrinkly dimensia* woman. Sitting. Staring. Outside a pet shop in the middle of a giant shopping centre. With a moustache. A big, freaking moustache. And a Gloria Jeans coffee cup. And, a shopping trolley. Always. Always sitting there.
Great, I'm so scared I just wet myself...
Thursday, 18 May 2006
Anyway, we moved out and our new house is coolio. The computer is right next to the TV though! Grar!
I finally got credit again! On Saturday! Already I've used 295 of my free minutes hahah.
Emily dumped me on easter monday. DURING the movie. Ice Age 2. Geez, talk about class, or lack thereof.
Turns out my problem with myspace was that I had the wrong password, so I did the 'Forget Your Password' dealy and got my password back. Unfortuneately, that wouldn't work either, but I deleted the cookies so it works again. Hooray!
Hah, I just have to say this. Go into Karingal Hub some time during the day or preferrably afternoon. Go to Pets Paradise and look at the bench just outside. I GUARANTEE you will see an old wrinkly lady... which facial hair. I'm serious, she has an extremely bushy moustache. It scares me, I feel like throwing up. (I don't think her moustache is scientifically possible.)
Oh man, I love the song Stupid Girls by Pink. I hate Pink, but seriously look up the lyrics, it describe teenyboppers so well!
Saturday, 8 April 2006
Our settlement on the current house ends on Wednesday, so in 5 days I won't be here. However, two days after that is the day we move in. It's quite sad really (not really). Me and Sarah are staying with dad and mum's going to her friend's place.
Maddz, if you're reading this, what happened to you? You haven't been on MSN in like a week, and I can;t txt you I have no credit. Are you in hospital? Appendix go bye bye? Grar! Don't die! Although I don't think appendicitis is fatal, and I don't actually know if you have it or not.
HAR welllll I was on the phone till like 12:30 this morning/last night and because of that 2 1/2 hour conversation, I am now going out with Eevee... again. (Emily)
Yay Coco's birthday is on Monday. Easter Monday. Good for her. heheh
Sunday, 19 March 2006
Woo and Yay
Heh, I have a long list, but I reckon I'll forget something.
A few days ago, I upgraded from my crappy Motorola C115 to a Nokia 6610! Yay! I love it! I've been playing Bounce heaps, lol. Blah
I'm also swtiching from that horrid, horrid Telstra to Optus. YES FINERRLEE it'll be great. Free minutes; I'm loving it.
A few days ago, me, dad, and three people from Chisholm went to 4 differnt Chisholm campuses and took videos and stuff for some movie. We went to Berwick, then Dandenong, Frankston, and finally Rosebud. It was funnery.
HAH! This morning I dyed my hair! It's partially orange! I luff it. While I'm writing this I don't actually think it's fully dried off, so I dunno sneh.
THE COMMONWEALTH GAMES ARE SOOO GHEY. Hurry up and leave Actually I thik they might've already. Have they? Sneh indeed.
The american, Marshall, is still here. I think he was supposed to leave on Wednesday, lol =P He wants to live here. Hmm.
I'm going to Bronwyn's birthday party tonight. Pool, late-ish, people from drama (I hope) it'll be funnery.
Yesterday, me, Sara and Kathryn went over to the AMF, to BOWL derr. We tried to be really slow, and you know those computers between every two lanes? Hah well we kept changing each others names for funsies. Also, Dean and his brothers + dad were there, and we noticed him but we hope he didn't notice us. Lol
This morning Ben came around to show off his NEW CAR which I hate him for, coz it rocks. We went driving around, adn we went to Karingal Hub and got maccas for brekkie lol
When push comes to shove, you gotta do what you love.
Tuesday, 7 March 2006
Oh... joy?!
HOORAY if you have Windows XP, you would know how you can have those multiple sign in acount things. Yaaay ever since we got XP years ago, we've had a famiyl account, and nothing more. This morning I created my own! Yay! It was pretty cool that the computer automatically had all the programs on my account, and I just moved some of my songs and my folder onto my thingo. It's greattttttttt I can automatically sign into MSN too, now! Hoorah!
Maddz' baptism was a blast. I will seriously consider buying a baptism.
Apparently, tomorrow is Steak and Blowjob Day, which is every March 14th. It's like the male version of Valentine's Day, which is weird. Hehehehehehe, check it out if you dare. I think it is.
Sarah's American friend, Marshall, planed over on Saturday morning and is currently residing in the subway system. Just kidding, he's staying at our house until like, next wednesday. (Yes, Matt, an American; eat your heart out.) Sarah's trying to hide it from mum, which is so funny. This is the first time Sarah's met Marshall, so she's trying to pass him off as "just a random friend that might need a place to stay every now and then" even though Sarah told me they would be staying at friends places and whatnot sometimes. I reckon she'll be too lazy to organize that.
I wanted these holidays to be ESPECIALLY lazy! Ever other hols has been lazy out of pure laziness of me, I wasn't trying to make it so. Well, these hols I am trying. I wanna barr all calls from pretty much everyone. I've blocked # number of people on MSN, but thanks to this NEW REALLY GAY EXCEPT FOR ONE THING beta MSN Sarah got, it unblocked them.
Grr, I hate change. Cupid, shoot me with an arrow from that poison bag you have. Yes, Cupid has a bag of poison arrows. He shoots them at unsuspecting villagers on Halloween.
Saturday, 25 February 2006
Where's Mr. Cookiepants?!
OMG YAAAAY gahahha Clare is sleepin over on Saturday, we gotta have a Scrubs marathon-ness, and hopefully play her PS2 if she brings it.
then in the morning I might be dragging her along to Le Maddz Baptism. It's gonna be so great, and Maddz will punish me if I can't get there.
Sara and Kathryn said I laugh like a girl today which I do
! (The end of this story.)
I keep a notepad file on all my MSN names since the start of the year. I change it every day I'm online, so why not? I have to put it up some day.
By the way, if you're wondering what my flash box thing is (or was, I might've changed it when you read this) it's Magical Trevor. Watch it here in a much bigger form:
Bye now.
Thursday, 16 February 2006
Question Mark?
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Tegan, why'd you come to my house/dad's house? Think I was there? Teeehee, well, I wasn't ![]() It was the sports swimming carnival thing at school on Tuesday. I didn't go XD many people didn't go, it was great. Everyone just happened to be conspicusly absent that day. ![]() Yaay Maddz bap's soon. Don't know if I'll go. I don't wanna meet Brodey. ugh. Bleeh =D AHH ROBOSAPIEN! ROBOSAPIEN TWOOOO! It's disgusting. Ew. Lol watching Beyond Tomorrow. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH |
Sunday, 12 February 2006
Omg, Ish Bebo
I'm starting to like this better than Myspace, mostly because myspace always screws up and I can't sign in. Tom's an idiot.
Nyehehehe, I'm being so mean to Julez, but she knows I don't mean it. I love you babe =D Woot! Bleh.
AHH I was playing Emo game this morning for some reason. It's sooooooooo lame. check it out and die. :P
Aww, Maddzyyyyyyy just remember I love you, and the motor show sucks :P Pfft, cars. Why don't we just all scooter around? Why don't I have a scooter? Gah. Hugs for Maddz. *hughughughughughughughughughughughughughughughug
GRR, I don't wanna go back to school tomorrow. It's so very evil old chap. I'm dreadfully dreading it chappy. GRRRRRRRRRRRR
I wanna go buy some of that rice packaging stuff from Officeworks. I'm gonna try to keep enough to bathe in. Mwahhaha. It'll be great. Plus we're moving soon, so we'll need it for that too
Woo yay!
Monday, 23 January 2006
My new MySpace!
I got this myspace today, and uploaded all the other blogs from my MSN space to here. I won't be using MSN spaces anymore! Yaaaay, I'm free! :) Also, that is why the times of the blog posted aren't real :P
I got a new email addy today with Gmail - it's actually my second with Gmail, but it'll be my first Gmail I use as a primary email. It'll be my new MSN address too :D